Rising Children Addicted to Adult Games and Movies, UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives 5 Tips for Parents

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Gambar Artikel Rising Children Addicted to Adult Games and Movies, UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives 5 Tips for Parents
  • 03 Feb
  • 2023

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Rising Children Addicted to Adult Games and Movies, UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives 5 Tips for Parents

Social media has been horrified by the dozens of children in Pati, Central Java who have to receive treatment in a psychiatric ward after being addicted to video games and pornographic content.

It is sad that this incident attracted a number of people to provide feedback, including Lecturer in Mental Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya, Uswatun Hasanah.

Uswatun said, the use of gadgets in children without strict supervision can cause serious problems for their mental health. So that this needs to be of particular concern to parents and caregivers to be more selective in carrying out strict supervision regarding content that is suitable for consumption according to the age of the child.

According to Uswatun, there are several things that parents can do to prevent addiction to games and pornographic content in children.

First, parents must be an example or role model. Children are excellent imitators, learn and do things from imitating the behavior of the people closest to them in their environment.

"Children are very curious, so parents must set an example as well as limit the use of gadgets in the family environment or when they are with their children," said Uswatun Friday (3/2/23)

Second, provide free time for children. One of the most effective ways to distract children from screen time is to play with the real world.

"Parents need to provide free time to accompany children's activities, because when children feel bored and lonely they tend to use gadgets to relieve their boredom and loneliness," he added.

Third, make clear and consistent rules. Parents cannot forever prohibit children from using gadgets, because nowadays gadgets have become a necessity. The strategy parents can take is to make strict rules for using gadgets and be consistent in applying these rules.

Some of the rules that can be applied include setting a minimum age limit for using gadgets, time of use, applications and sites that may be accessed and the consequences if there is a violation of the rules that have been mutually agreed upon.

Fourth, use parental control applications. Uswatun said, the large number of applications and games for children that are inserted with content or advertisements that are not pornographic friendly make parents realize the importance of installing parental monitoring applications on the devices used by children.

“This monitoring application can help parents control the use of gadgets, sites visited, games or applications installed, and can remotely disable children's devices. This is enough to help prevent children from being exposed to pornographic applications and content,” he stressed again.

Finally, facilitate children to do physical activity. Physical activities carried out outside the home can help divert children from gadgets and access pornographic content and sites.

"Children can be invited to help with homework together, exercise together, walk around the complex, suggest children to play with friends, do hobbies together," he concluded.