The story of Burhanuddin, Head of RW who graduated at UM Surabaya with Cumlaude GPA

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Gambar Artikel The story of Burhanuddin, Head of RW who graduated at UM Surabaya with Cumlaude GPA
  • 30 Oct
  • 2022

Foto Burhanuddin Ketua RW yang lulus dengan IPK cumlaude (Humas)

The story of Burhanuddin, Head of RW who graduated at UM Surabaya with Cumlaude GPA

Inspirational stories can come from anywhere, including the inspirational story of Burhanuddin, a UM Surabaya Postgraduate graduate who served as Head of RT who managed to get a Cumlaude GPA of 3.74.

The man who is often called Burhan completed his Masters Program in Islamic Education in a timely manner amidst his busy activities as a teacher at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Pucanganom Sidoarjo. In completing his final assignment, Burhan took the research title "School Principal Strategic Management in the Development of Educational Institutions at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Pucanganom Sidoarjo".

Apparently in the midst of his activities as a teacher and head of RT Burhan is also an activist for the Muhammadiyah Youth Generation in Sidoarjo, he serves as Secretary of the Da'wah and Religious Studies Division for the East Java Muhammadiyah Youth Regional Leadership (PWPM). He was also entrusted with the Chair of the Sidoarjo PDM Cadre Council. It didn't stop there, he was also appointed as the Advisory Council of the Alhidayah Mosque in Kedungkendo, Sidoarjo Temple.

When asked about the division of his activity time, he mentioned that he teaches from morning to evening, and uses the evening for the benefit of the organization and the community. According to him, this is the first year he has served as Head of RW with a term of 5 years.

"Initially I was the Head of the RT who served for 2 years, but in the middle of the trip, I was asked by residents to become the Head of the RW," said Burhan Saturday (29/10/22)

After being entrusted with becoming the Head of the RW, he has a vision and mission that will be carried out, including issuing financial management and controlling cemeteries because according to him this is crucial and must be issued.

"Incidentally, the number of residents I take care of is 300 families consisting of 5 RTs, I hope everything can be well coordinated," he said again.

When asked for tips on a cumulative GPA in the midst of busy activities, he said the key is to focus, like studying, do your best what is your responsibility.

Burhan also has a principle in life when someone benefits other people, the people and the nation, he believes all roads will be made easier.

"If we help Allah's religion, surely Allah will help us and strengthen our position and existence," he said.

As a student who received a master's degree scholarship program from the East Java Provincial Government, Burhan tries to share his time as best he can, starting from taking care of children, organizations to residents of his environment.

 He said that as the head of the RW, he has the task of making community pillars, gathering and binding several RTs and the most important thing according to him is to protect all of his citizens.

"To instill religious and national values, every year I oblige residents to hold a flag ceremony for all residents," he concluded