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Charity is a highly recommended practice in Islam. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam called charity as burhan (proof). Because alms is proof of one's faith in the existence of the Day of Resurrection. In the hadith from Abu Malik al-Asy'ari radhiyallahu 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said; Prayer is light, alms is burhan, and patience is light. (Narrated by Muslim 556 & Ahmad 22902).
Thoat Stiawan, a lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) UM Surabaya, explained that charity is one of the routine practices carried out by the Rasulullah SAW family. Alms comes from the word shadaqoh which means something that is given by a Muslim to another person voluntarily without being limited by time and a certain amount.
In the Al-Quran, there are many verses that explain the command to give alms, one of which is QS: Al-Baqarah verse 195; "And spend (your wealth) in the way of Allah, and do not throw yourself into destruction, and do good, for verily Allah loves those who do good." (QS: Al-Baqarah: 195).
“Actually alms can be done at any time. However, charity also has the virtue of timing. If a Muslim deliberately gives alms at these times, then the practice of alms becomes heavier and more valuable," said Thoat Friday (23/9/22)
Like the hadith "A man came to the Messenger of Allah and asked: "O Messenger of Allah, which charity is the most afdhol?" So he replied: "You give charity when you are healthy, miserly, afraid of poverty and you dream of becoming a wealthy wealthy man. And do not be negligent until your life reaches your throat and then distribute your alms, this is for So and so and this is for so and so. And remember (at the end of life like that), wealth is indeed for So and So (that is, he will inherit it). " (Saheeh Muslim, no: 171).
In this hadith, it can be concluded that there are four best times for giving alms for Muslims, namely giving alms in a healthy physical condition, giving alms when you really want to be rich, giving alms when you are very worried about being poor and giving alms when you are not nearing death.
The term morning alms is not found in the Qur'an or As-Sunnah. However, many scholars argue that the best time to spend wealth in the way of Allah is at dawn or before sunrise. One source of foothold in alms at dawn is in the following hadith:
From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu'anhu, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "Not a single dawn is experienced by the servants of Allah except that two angels descend upon them. One of them prays: "O Allah, give compensation to those who spend" , while the other one prayed "O Allah, give damage to those who hold (his wealth)." (Narrated by Bukhari 5/270).
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