When Should You Start Orthodontic Braces Treatment? This is the Explanation of the UM Surabaya FKG Lecturer

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Gambar Artikel When Should You Start Orthodontic Braces Treatment? This is the Explanation of the UM Surabaya FKG Lecturer
  • 06 Jul
  • 2023

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When Should You Start Orthodontic Braces Treatment? This is the Explanation of the UM Surabaya FKG Lecturer

Basically the goal of orthodontic treatment is to position the teeth between the upper and lower jaws in a harmonious position, so that the position of the teeth that are neatly arranged can make it easier to clean the teeth, it is hoped that if oral hygiene increases/good the risk of caries (cavities) can be reduced. Besides that, having the teeth arranged in a harmonious position can ease the work of the muscles in opening and closing the mouth which has an impact on the joints in the jaw so they don't wear out quickly.

So when do you think someone can start orthodontic treatment?

UM Surabaya Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) Lecturer Adi Cahyo Purnomo said, if the problem is in the jawbone and skull base, then orthodontic treatment should be started as early as possible, especially during the growth period (childhood).

"Because during the growth period, it is still possible to modify the direction of growth and development of the jaw and skull base," Adi said Thursday (6/7/23)

Adi gave an example, if there is a patient who comes with complaints of protruding upper jaw teeth so that the patient has difficulty closing his mouth. If the case is related to abnormalities in growth and development (can the upper jaw grow normally while the lower jaw experiences growth delays or vice versa, where the lower jaw grows normally but the upper jaw grows excessively), if the patient is still growing (children), then we can modify jaw growth by installing tools that can stimulate growth in jaws that are experiencing delays or those that are experiencing excess growth and the treatment results will be better if we can take advantage of them from the growth period.

"However, if the patient's age has passed the growth period, then the treatment that can be done can be orthognathic surgery (cutting the jaw) or just treatment to correct the position of the teeth without changing the position of the jaw," he added again.

According to him, in the case of patients with these problems only with their teeth, while the jaw is in a good and normal position, then orthodontic treatment can begin when all of their permanent teeth have grown.

"So, it would be better if parents checked their teeth from the age of their children regularly at least once every 6 months so that if there is an abnormality that occurs in the teeth and jaws (often called malocclusion) it can be detected early and can be treated at the right time. to get good treatment results, “concluded Adi.