Hajj pilgrims need to be vigilant, these are 5 diseases caused by hot weather and how to prevent them

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Gambar Artikel Hajj pilgrims need to be vigilant, these are 5 diseases caused by hot weather and how to prevent them
  • 19 Jun
  • 2023

Ilustrasi jemaah haji (Unsplash/ibrahim uz)

Hajj pilgrims need to be vigilant, these are 5 diseases caused by hot weather and how to prevent them

Extreme weather in the holy land reaches 440C, these conditions are not an easy challenge for the pilgrims who are now there. In addition, pilgrims also need to be aware of the potential for the spread of disease in the midst of large crowds and long journeys.

Firman Lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya explained several types of diseases that often appear during the pilgrimage. He also shared tips on how to prevent it.

The first is respiratory diseases, such as influenza (flu) and acute respiratory infections (ARI), tuberculosis and other infectious diseases, which can easily spread among pilgrims due to close contact with other people, especially in crowds.

"To prevent the spread of the disease, it is important for pilgrims to always maintain hand hygiene by washing hands regularly, using masks when coughing or sneezing, and avoiding contact with people who are sick," said Firman Monday (19/6/23)

Both meningitis. Meningitis is a serious infection that can be spread through direct contact with saliva splashes or droplets from an infected person. For this reason, the meningococcal vaccine is a requirement for pilgrims to be protected from this disease.

Third disease recurrence. Pilgrims who have a history of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes or diabetes and other diseases, usually due to tiring journeys have a high risk of recurrence. Therefore avoid activities that are strenuous or too tiring and take medication regularly.

“Make sure your body gets enough rest to restore body energy. Avoid too much physical exertion in hot weather, especially when the sun is hottest. Take time to rest and avoid fatigue that can affect health," added Firman.

Fourth is Heatstroke (Tired of Heat). Firman explained, pilgrims who are currently in a hot environment have the potential to become dehydrated. Because it's important to keep your body hydrated by consuming enough water and avoiding exposure to direct sunlight for too long, use protective equipment such as an umbrella or hat.

Fifth syncope or fainting, extreme heat can cause fainting or loss of consciousness. For this reason, when pilgrims feel complaints of headaches and feeling tired, they immediately take shelter and avoid exposure to the sun for too long. In addition, it is also important to ensure good ventilation and sufficient air when in a crowded room.

"Therefore, so that pilgrims can carry out the pilgrimage properly, it is best to consult a health service provider or follow a health program provided by the authorities to get more detailed information about diseases to watch out for and preventive steps to take when perform the pilgrimage,” said Firman.