This is the Response of a Mental Health Expert at UM Surabaya on the Case of Mothers Killing Children in Brebes

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Gambar Artikel This is the Response of a Mental Health Expert at UM Surabaya on the Case of Mothers Killing Children in Brebes
  • 24 Mar
  • 2022

Ilustrasi gambar (I-Stockphoto)

This is the Response of a Mental Health Expert at UM Surabaya on the Case of Mothers Killing Children in Brebes

The tragic events experienced by three brothers in Brebes, Central Java, were widely reported and received various responses from the public. Many criticized the mother's actions, but there were also those who empathized with various reasons.

Looking at the chronology of these events, Kanti Utami (KU) said that this was done to save her children from being treated harshly, from being in trouble and also from feeling sad anymore.

Uswatun Hasanah Mental Health Expert at Muhamadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) explained that the reasons expressed by the mother who wanted to protect were inversely related to her behavior which hurt and even killed, so that many people concluded that the mother had a mental disorder.

Uswatun explained that mental disorders are disturbances of thoughts, behaviors, feelings which are manifested in the form of a collection of symptoms or significant changes in behavior, and can cause suffering and obstacles for individuals in carrying out their functions as human beings.

"Many things can cause individuals to experience psychiatric disorders including biological factors such as genetics and head trauma," said Uswatun Thursday (24/3/22)

Psychological factors include unpleasant past experiences or what is commonly called traumatic experiences and socioeconomic factors. These complex problems accumulate over a long period of time, then reappear due to exposure to stressors in the surrounding environment.

Kanti Utami's (KU) statement, which later went viral on social media, relates to her not being crazy, having been locked up since childhood, wanting to be loved by her husband, and furthermore, Kanti revealed that since childhood she had unpleasant things, but nothing happened. who knew he had kept all of that for decades.

"The direct statement from KU can be further identified so that his mental health condition can be accurately identified," Uswatun added in a written statement.

Uswatun explained that the diagnosis of mental disorders cannot be enforced by just looking at an incident at a glance, but needs to be identified and examined thoroughly.

"I hope KU can undergo further examination regarding his mental health condition, so that later he will not only receive judgment from many parties, but also appropriate treatment to restore his mental condition," he said.