This is an Explanation from a Lecturer at FK UM Surabaya Why You Have to Cleanse Your Face Before Sleeping

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Gambar Artikel This is an Explanation from a Lecturer at FK UM Surabaya Why You Have to Cleanse Your Face Before Sleeping
  • 10 Nov
  • 2022

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This is an Explanation from a Lecturer at FK UM Surabaya Why You Have to Cleanse Your Face Before Sleeping

Cleaning your face before going to bed after doing activities all day is a must. Sometimes some people feel tired, they are more interested in lying down and eventually fall asleep.

Lecturer at FK UM Surabaya, Neny Triastuti, explained that cleaning the face from make-up and dust before going to bed must be done by everyone, this is an important part of a series of healthy skin care.

Neny who is also a Beauty Specialist Doctor gave several explanations why the face must be cleaned of make-up residue before going to bed.

First, reduce the risk of acne appearing on the face. Neny said that the germs that stick to your hands easily move to your facial skin. If left alone, it will be very prone to cause acne.

Both help moisturize facial skin. Using a moisturizer at night after cleansing keeps the skin from drying out.

"At night, the facial moisturizer you use has plenty of time to absorb optimally into the skin," said Neny Thursday (10/11/22)

Third can reduce wrinkles on the face. The cause of wrinkles on the face continues to increase, namely skin that is too often exposed to UV rays which indicates premature aging. Exposure to UV rays can break down skin connective tissue such as collagen and elastin which are located in the deeper layers of the skin.

“If the connective tissue is broken, the skin will begin to lose flexibility and it is easier to cause wrinkles on the face. In addition, free radicals in the surrounding environment also affect the health of collagen," he added.

Therefore, Neny advised washing your face before going to bed not to be missed. The goal is that the skin no longer needs to spend additional energy to ward off free radicals that stick.

Fifth, prevent eye infections. Getting used to not washing your face at night turns out to affect eye health. For example, not removing mascara or eyeliner before going to bed can cause eye infections. The reason is that this eye makeup can get into the eyes, for example rubbing the eyes while sleeping.

“As a result, the eyes are more at risk of irritation and clogging of the hair follicles and oil glands in the eyelids. If it happens, bacteria can accumulate and cause inflammation which can cause small lumps on the eyelids," concluded Neny.