Six Tips for Passing Overseas Scholarships from UM Surabaya Lecturers

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Gambar Artikel Six Tips for Passing Overseas Scholarships from UM Surabaya Lecturers
  • 16 Feb
  • 2023

Foto Achmad Hidayatullah mahasiswa beasiswa program doctoral School of Education di University Of Szeged Hungary (IG @Achmad Hidayatullah)

Six Tips for Passing Overseas Scholarships from UM Surabaya Lecturers

There are many undergraduate to doctoral scholarships offered by institutions abroad. But to be able to get it, prospective students have to compete with thousands of people who register. So that in accessing foreign scholarships must be prepared carefully.

Lecturer at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UM Surabaya Achmad Hidayatullah gave tips on how to be successful in getting foreign scholarships. Dayat, her nickname, managed to get a scholarship to the Doctoral School of Education program at the University of Szeged Hungary after failing 12 times.

According to Dayat, the first thing that must be done is to study and understand the scholarship that will be aimed at.

“At this stage, take the time to find information on scholarships, make as many targets as possible regarding the scholarships you are going to go for. Make a list and take note of important matters such as registration, administration and scholarship deadlines. Try all of these scholarship opportunities, because the quota for each scholarship is different," said Dayat in a written statement Thursday (16/2/23)

Second, choose a major not based on prestige. Choose a major that suits your abilities. Because this will greatly affect future lectures if someone is accepted.

Third, make the motivational letter as good as possible. To make it, someone needs to do a little research regarding the department and campus they are going to. When writing a motivation letter, apart from introducing yourself, one must also be able to explain why one chose that campus and major.

Dayat added, when writing motivation letters, you often consult someone who has a lot of experience, or someone who has received a scholarship. The fatal mistake that often occurs in writing motivation letters is that prospective students only mention that the campus is good with complete facilities. Even though the motivation letter focuses on what will be learned.

Fourth, don't be shy to ask. Sometimes scholarship applicants already feel they can, and overconfidence is too high. Not asking anyone else who has experience. So ask often and look for better opportunities.

Fifth, don't be too idealistic to force yourself to pursue certain scholarships. Applicants must know the quota. Sometimes scholarships that are popular in certain countries don't have a lot of quota. So someone can measure the opportunities that will be taken. If there are many scholarship lists, don't hesitate to try them.

Last is connection. In the digital age, communication across knowledge and across countries is now easy to do. If communication with professors on the intended campus can be established earlier, that will be a good start before starting studies.

"Nowadays there are many professional media platforms that can be utilized, such as Linked In which can be used for prospective scholarship applicants," Dayat concluded.