UM Surabaya Lecturer: Too Frequent Consumption of Beverages Triggers Kidney Failure

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: Too Frequent Consumption of Beverages Triggers Kidney Failure
  • 09 Jun
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Lecturer: Too Frequent Consumption of Beverages Triggers Kidney Failure

Kidneys have a very important function in the survival of a human being. Besides functioning to filter the rest of the body's metabolism to be excreted through the urine, the kidneys also function to regulate the body's fluid balance. So that if there is interference with the kidneys that causes the kidneys to not function properly, then kidney function disorders or kidney failure can occur.

Karima Samlan, a lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Bachelor of Pharmacy, UM Surabaya, explained that kidney failure is generally divided into two, namely acute and chronic kidney failure.

"Acute kidney failure (Acute Kidney Injury) occurs suddenly, but has the potential to return to normal if the cause can be treated. Meanwhile, chronic kidney failure (Chronic Kidney Disease) progresses slowly and can cause permanent damage to the kidneys," said Karima Thursday (9/6/22)

According to him, diet is one of the main factors that cause chronic kidney failure. Consumption of packaged sweet drinks such as soft drinks and other packaged sweet drinks on the market can have an adverse effect on the body because they have a high sugar content.

"In addition, these drinks also contain a lot of preservatives which will be dangerous if consumed in the long term," he added.

A systematic review study and meta-analysis conducted by He et al in 2021 which analyzed 17 studies and 149,958 participants concluded that the habit of eating healthy foods can reduce the risk of suffering from chronic kidney failure. This is in line with a previous study conducted by Bach et al in 2019 which had similar conclusions.

"Healthy lifestyles such as exercising, consuming nutritious foods and avoiding sweet drinks, controlling blood sugar and blood pressure, maintaining body weight, maintaining fluid intake, avoiding smoking, and avoiding drugs without a doctor's prescription can be one of our efforts to maintain kidney health." he concluded.