UM Surabaya Lecturer Highlights Spirit Doll Adoption Phenomenon from a Mental Health Perspective

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  • 04 Jan
  • 2022

Foto Uswatun Hasanah dosen keperawatan jiwa UM Surabaya (Dok: Uswatun)

UM Surabaya Lecturer Highlights Spirit Doll Adoption Phenomenon from a Mental Health Perspective

The hectic adoption of spirit dolls or spirit dolls has recently become an interesting conversation for many people. Some celebrities treat spirit dolls like real children by being given nice clothes and luxurious accessories.

Looking at it from a mental health perspective, Lecturer in Nursing at the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) Uswatun Hasanah said that there is nothing wrong if someone has a hobby of playing or collecting dolls, because almost everyone went through their childhood playing with dolls. (14/1/22)

"According to what I have learned, it is undeniable that anyone can experience the risk of mental disorders, but we need to first identify the background of the owners who adopted the spirit doll. If collection is of course not a problem, but if adoption is carried out with the specific aim of becoming a conversation partner or changing the role of the living people around him, of course you need to watch out for it because it leads to the risk of mental health disorders," said Uswatun in a written statement.

Uswatun also added that the risk of mental health problems can also occur if the owner shows unusual behavior.

“This behavior is like believing that it is the doll that has helped him succeed so that he must be treated as best as possible. Believing that the existence of dolls will make life calmer, of course this has led to symptoms of delusions or behavior of spending time with dolls rather than interacting with other people, so they tend to isolate themselves, "added Uswatun.

Furthermore, Uswatun also explained that if self-isolation is allowed to continue, it will cause various other mental problems such as delusions and hallucinations.