UM Surabaya Lecturer: Frequent Overtime Can Trigger Anxiety and Depression

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: Frequent Overtime Can Trigger Anxiety and Depression
  • 10 Dec
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Lecturer: Frequent Overtime Can Trigger Anxiety and Depression

Employees who work in any field always try to perform satisfactorily, so that it is not uncommon to meet these expectations workers take more time outside of normal working hours (overtime).

Overtime work itself is defined as a work schedule that exceeds the working time per week or work done with the aim of completing work that cannot be completed within the stipulated working hours.

Many factors can cause a person to work overtime such as socio-economic problems with the aim of getting overtime pay, completing work targets, or even being done intentionally by those who are workaholics.

UM Surabaya Mental Nursing Lecturer Uswatun Hasanah said, too often working overtime has a negative impact on a person's mental health.

"Several studies show that, among the mental health problems that are at high risk for workers who often work overtime, they are anxiety and depression," said Uswatun Saturday (10/12/22)

Uswatun said, a study found that people who work more than 40-90 hours per week have a greater risk of experiencing depression and anxiety in both male and female workers.

Some of the symptoms of anxiety and depression that appear in people who often work overtime include difficulty sleeping, difficulty enjoying activities, activities carried out or hobbies, feeling stressed, always worried about not being able to complete work or meet targets, feeling dissatisfied with the work done, difficulty concentrating and easily offended.

"The emergence of anxiety and depression problems during overtime is caused by reduced time spent resting, doing self-care, not having enough time to do hobbies and vacations with those closest to them," he added.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a balance between work life and personal life, besides that it is also necessary to make clear boundaries when to work and when to take vacations.

"Enjoying hobbies, maintaining health, consuming healthy food, sufficient physical activity so that mental health can be maintained," concluded Uswatun.