UM Surabaya Lecturer Calls Electric Cigarettes as Dangerous as Conventional Cigarettes

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Calls Electric Cigarettes as Dangerous as Conventional Cigarettes
  • 13 Feb
  • 2023

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UM Surabaya Lecturer Calls Electric Cigarettes as Dangerous as Conventional Cigarettes

The vaping trend is currently on the rise. It turns out that vape users are not only found in men, but also widely used by women, both teenagers and housewives. Initially, vape was introduced as a health-friendly product. So that makes many conventional smokers, then switch to using vape.

Vella Rohmayani, a Lecturer in Medical Laboratory Technology (TLM) for the UM Surabaya Applied Undergraduate Program, said that the rise of the vaping trend had an impact on the increase in the number of smokers in Indonesia.

“Even though both conventional cigarettes and vape actually have components that are harmful to health. Conventional tobacco cigarettes contain carbon monoxide, tar and nicotine. Whereas vape has several components, namely propylene, glycol, flavours, water and nicotine," said Vella Monday (13/2/23)

According to WHO (2010) people who regularly consume vape have a higher risk of developing cancer. Besides being able to trigger cancer, someone who consumes vape also has a risk of developing several other health problems.

"There are fertility problems in both men and women, addiction and poisoning problems, kidney failure, increased risk of lung disease and heart disease," added Vella again.

According to him, the choice to use vape for therapy or to quit smoking is not the right choice for health. Considering that vape can also cause various health problems for the body as well as conventional cigarettes.

"Therefore, if you want to live a healthy life, then stopping consuming all processed products made from tobacco is the most appropriate choice. Because both conventional cigarettes and vape can trigger various diseases that can endanger health," concluded Vella who is also a member of the Muhammadiyah Tobacco Control Center (MTCC) UM Surabaya.