UM Surabaya Lecturer Explains the Causes of Stroke at a Young Age

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Explains the Causes of Stroke at a Young Age
  • 20 Jul
  • 2023

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UM Surabaya Lecturer Explains the Causes of Stroke at a Young Age

Stroke is one of the cerebrovascular diseases, the main cause of disability as well as the second highest cause of death after heart disease, accounting for up to 11% of the total number of deaths worldwide.

According to data from the American Stroke Association, as many as 17 million people have a stroke every year, and it is estimated that every 40 seconds, 1 person has a stroke, and every 3 minutes someone dies from a stroke. America as a developed country, reported as many as 439 people die every day due to stroke.

Firman Lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya said that this deadly disease does not only occur in old age, but can also occur at a young age. In the last 3 decades, a number of research results have been published regarding the incidence of stroke at a young age, between the ages of 20 to 45 years, which reached 3,589 people.

Meanwhile, from Basic Health Research data, the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2018 reported that cases of stroke in Indonesia at the age of over 15 years continued to increase significantly, namely around 10.9 to 11 people out of 100 young people had a stroke. Whereas 5 years earlier it was only about 7/100 people.

"Stroke at a young age results in a heavier socio-economic burden, because the common problems that occur when having a stroke are paralysis or limitations in moving the limbs, cognitive impairment, perception and speech impairment," Firman said Thursday (20/7/23)

As a result, a person is no longer able to be productive and work, even though he needs medical expenses that are not small.

Firman said that the risk factors for stroke in the elderly and young people are not the same. The common risk factors for older people are hypertension, heart disease and diabetes mellitus. While the risk factors at a young age, are dyslipidemia (60%), smoking (44%), and hypertension (39%).

Firman explained, a study explained that there was an increased risk of stroke at a young age, especially in developing countries including Indonesia, this was due to the increasing number of smokers and alcoholic beverages. In addition, the use of illegal drugs or drugs is also a risk factor for stroke in the young age group.

“Amphetamine use has a 5 times greater risk of having a stroke compared to young people who are not users of the drug. While cocaine has a 2.33 times greater risk of having a stroke than those who are not users. Therefore, this is the reason why in developed countries like America, stroke cases and deaths from stroke are very high," Firman added.

In his statement, Firman emphasized that stroke cases at a young age must receive serious attention, because they have enormous long-term adverse effects.

"What needs to be done is early prevention, by educating the public, especially young people, to avoid the risk factors for stroke above, as well as carrying out routine health checks. Thus the incidence of stroke at a young age can be properly suppressed, "concluded Firman.