UM Surabaya Lecturer Explains the Causes of Difficulty in Concentrating Children in Studying

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Explains the Causes of Difficulty in Concentrating Children in Studying
  • 01 Sep
  • 2023

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UM Surabaya Lecturer Explains the Causes of Difficulty in Concentrating Children in Studying

Many parents complain because their children like to run around while studying, sometimes they have just written the letter a once and are already running here and there and children are easily tempted by things that are interesting to them. This condition can be said to be learning concentration disorder or attention deficit disorder (GPP).

Elmi Tri Yuliandari, a Lecturer in Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) UM Surabaya, said that to find out the causes of children having difficulty concentrating on learning, it is necessary to identify and observe.

Here are some things that can cause children to find it difficult to learn, namely as follows:

First, genetic factors and disorders during pregnancy. One thing that needs to be checked in knowing the causes of children having difficulty concentrating is genetic factors (heredity) and what conditions the child is in during pregnancy and child birth.

"This also affects the development of the child's brain where if there is a disturbance during pregnancy it can be one of the triggers for the child's difficulty concentrating on learning," said Elmi Friday (1/9/23)

Second, health factors. Physical health is very influential on the concentration of learning, if the child is physically unhealthy it will be difficult to concentrate so it is necessary to intake nutritious food during the growth and development period as well as adequate rest so that the child's physical health is maintained.

Third, the lack of self-motivation in children to learn. Motivation to learn in children is very important, because with a desire from within themselves, children will always do something including learning with pleasure so that everything will be easy for children to do and understand.

In this case parents must always provide motivation for children to enjoy learning by always accompanying and communicating well, inviting children to do something they like and parents must be able to understand what children want.

"Because if there is an element of coercion, it will make it difficult for children to concentrate on something," he added.

Fourth, children do not have interest and talent in learning. Interest in learning is a form of attention or tendency of children towards learning, while talent is something that is innate in children, which is usually passed down genetically from parents.

"These two things are important for children to have because if children only have talent but have no interest, it will be difficult to receive learning," he added.

Fifth, environmental conditions that are less conducive. An environment that is not conducive is one of the triggers for difficulty concentrating on learning, for example the learning environment is crowded or noisy, dirty and dirty, the temperature in the class is too hot or cold.

"In such environmental conditions, of course, it will be difficult for children to concentrate on learning, so learning comfort is very important for children," he said.

Sixth, the learning atmosphere is less pleasant. The concentration of children in listening to something ranges only in the span of 5-10 minutes after that the child will feel bored with the learning atmosphere if the teacher or parents are unable to provide fun learning methods (Joyful learning) so that a method is also needed to restore the child's concentration on a lesson which is being studied.

"One method that can be done is to invite children to do something (learning by doing) by actively involving children in learning so that children will not feel bored and will concentrate on learning," concluded Elmi.

User Comment Nurjaya Siagian, S.Pd.

Nurjaya Siagian, S.Pd.

10 January 2024 12:07:35

super mantap, keren sangat, bermanfaat, terimakasih