UM Surabaya Lecturer Describes Things That Can Invalidate Fasting

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Describes Things That Can Invalidate Fasting
  • 03 Apr
  • 2023

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UM Surabaya Lecturer Describes Things That Can Invalidate Fasting

The obligation to carry out fasting is only for Muslims. The command to fast itself was obtained by Prophet Muhammad and his people during the month of Shaban, when Rasulullah SAW was building a new government in Medina. This obligation was conveyed by Allah SWT in QS Al Baqarah verse 183: "O you who believe! It is obligatory for you to fast as it was obligatory for those before you so that you will be pious."

Therefore, it is important for Muslims to know what are the things that invalidate fasting so that fasting becomes valid, in addition to having to carry out the obligations of fasting in Ramadan, a Muslim is also obliged to avoid things that can invalidate it.

The following is an explanation by Thoat Stiawan, a lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) UM Surabaya regarding 9 things that can break fasting.

First, the entry of something into the body intentionally. That is, do not let anything enter the body through one of the holes that originate from the internal organs (jauf) such as the mouth, nose and ears. If it is not intentional, then the fast is still valid.

Second, seek treatment by inserting drugs or objects through the qubul (front hole) or rectum (back hole). Such as treatment for people who suffer from hemorrhoids or people who are sick with the treatment of installing a urinary catheter.

Third, vomit on purpose. So, if someone vomits unintentionally, his fast will not be broken as long as no vomit is swallowed.

Fourth, deliberately having intercourse during the day. For the fourth this not only breaks the fast, but the person who does it is also subject to a fine (expiration). The fine is in the form of fasting (outside of Ramadan) for two consecutive months.

"If not, then he has to feed one mud (0.6 kg of rice or ¼ liter of rice) to 60 poor people," explained Thoat Monday (3/4/23)

Fifth, semen (sperm) comes out because it comes into contact with the skin. Like semen that comes out due to masturbation or skin contact with the opposite sex without having sexual intercourse. It's different if semen comes out because of a wet dream (ihtilam), then the fast is still valid.

Sixth, menstruation or childbirth during the day fasting. Women who are experiencing menstruation or childbirth, apart from breaking their fast, are also required to make up the fast when Ramadan is over.

Seventh, experiencing mental disorders or going crazy (junun) while fasting. If someone is fasting during Ramadan during the day and then goes crazy, then his fast is broken. The person must make up the fast when he is cured.

 Eighth, apostasy or leaving Islam. That is, if a person who is fasting does things that can make him an apostate, such as associating partners with Allah SWT or denying the Shari'a laws that have been agreed upon by the scholars (mujma' 'alaih).