UM Surabaya Lecturer Describes 5 Diseases Due to Lack of Movement

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Describes 5 Diseases Due to Lack of Movement
  • 22 May
  • 2023

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UM Surabaya Lecturer Describes 5 Diseases Due to Lack of Movement

World Health (WHO) says that four out of every five adolescents in the world are not doing enough physical activity, or about 81% of youth and 27.5% of adults. This is because most people depend on technological tools to help almost all of their activities. And most of the time teenagers spend playing gadgets.

Lack of movement lately is more popular with the word lying down. Lying down for too long makes the metabolism in the body slow down, so that the body lacks energy, as a result the body becomes even more lazy to think and do activities.

Firman Lecturer at the UM Surabaya Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) explained, based on data from the National Sport Development Index (SDI) for 2021, that of the total population of Indonesian people who are categorized as unfit, it reaches 76%, and people who are categorized as very fit or excellent are only 5.86%.

According to him, the data shows that there is a connection that if the physical activity carried out by the community is low, then the level of physical fitness will also be low. Apart from that, low physical fitness can also make it easier for the body to experience anxiety, stress and depression.

Firman also said that many studies explain that when the body is sedentary or does less physical activity, it can experience a higher risk of non-communicable diseases than those who often do physical activity. Of the total number of deaths in Indonesia, 71% are due to non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, hypertension and diabetes.

"Some of the most common diseases that occur due to lack of physical activity, the first of which is obesity, because when the body is sedentary, blood circulation in the body is not smooth, then metabolism in the body slows down, finally the energy produced by the body is also low," said Word Monday (22/5/23)

He said, as a result the mechanism in the body provides a stimulus through the hypothalamus to consume more food than usual, at the same time the hormones leptin and ghrelin play a role in causing hunger and dilating the stomach so that it can accommodate more food, so from here fat accumulation can occur in the body. , and if it happens continuously can cause obesity.

Second, hypertension or high blood pressure, due to low physical activity in Indonesian society, cases of hypertension are currently increasing. According to Riskesdas data in 2018, cases of hypertension increased by 34%, compared to the previous case in 2013, which was 14.5%.

"Hypertension among academics and clinicians is referred to as a silent disease, because high blood pressure is one of the main causes of strokes and heart attacks. However, in fact, a third of hypertension cases can be prevented by increasing physical activity," said Firman.

Third, heart disease, when physical activity is low, fat metabolism produces LDL (bad cholesterol) will increase, resulting in a massive accumulation of blood fat in the walls of blood vessels, causing damage resulting in a high risk of heart attack.

Fourth is diabetes mellitus or diabetes. Intake of food consumed is not properly processed by the body into energy due to lack of physical activity, the result is accumulation of fat in the body, when the amount of fat is high it can cause resistance to insulin and not function properly, resulting in an increase in blood sugar.

Fifth disease osteoarthritis or joint pain. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that is often experienced by people over 50 years of age. Joint pain can be caused by damage to joint structures, muscle and tendon weakness, and the joints that most often experience pain are the knee, hip and spine joints.

"In fact, doing regular activities can maintain muscle and bone strength, so that it can prevent joint pain," he added.