UM Surabaya Lecturer: These Five Skills Students Must Have

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: These Five Skills Students Must Have
  • 20 Sep
  • 2022

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

UM Surabaya Lecturer: These Five Skills Students Must Have

The rapid development of technology has made many companies need graduates who have additional skills besides their academic abilities. Competitive competition also causes many young graduates to remain unemployed.

Junaidi Fery Efendi UM Surabaya Mathematics Education Lecturer explained the importance of students having skills. According to him, this is intended so that students are able to plan targets for achievements while studying and be successful in studying at tertiary institutions.

“Students who have strong skills will be different from other students. Because skills will form better relationships with fellow students or the surrounding environment," said Junaidi Tuesday (20/9/22)

According to Junaidi, these 4 skills must be possessed by students as a foundation so that they can develop in the future.

The first is communication skills. Communication skills are very important for students or university graduates to master. This will make it easier for students to convey ideas or ideas in designing or implementing projects according to the needs of stakeholders.

To build good personal branding, students must try to master communication skills. This can be done by practicing speaking in front of a mirror and telling something.

Second is critical thinking. By training and improving critical thinking skills will help students find the best solutions to solve every problem that exists in the world of lectures or in the world of work.

“To hone this, students can start by reading books so they will master a lot of new vocabulary. Reading books will open up ways of thinking and analyzing a problem related to current issues that are happening," he said again.

Third, have empathy. Empathy will foster harmony and build social relationships with others. By understanding what other people are thinking and feeling, a person can respond appropriately in social situations. Research shows that having social connections is important for physical and psychological well-being.

The four writing skills. Writing activity is an activity that absorbs knowledge information and then conveys it to many people in writing. Students who have this skill tend to have high intelligence knowledge.

Fifth time management. When you become a student, you will be demanded to be smarter in dividing your time between many assignments and a busy class schedule. Plus committees, organizations to SMEs. To overcome this, students can prepare themselves by practicing time management skills by making a schedule and recording the entire agenda on a cell phone note or calendar.

“Start by making a priority list of jobs that must be done in 1 day, 1 week or even 1 month. By setting the schedule, students will know how much time they have to complete certain assignments," concluded Junaidi.