UM Surabaya Lecturer: Putting a Cellphone to the Side of the Head while Sleeping Triggers the Risk of Brain Cancer to Obesity

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: Putting a Cellphone to the Side of the Head while Sleeping Triggers the Risk of Brain Cancer to Obesity
  • 01 Aug
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Lecturer: Putting a Cellphone to the Side of the Head while Sleeping Triggers the Risk of Brain Cancer to Obesity

The current millennial era requires people to be mobile quickly, both physically and non-physically. The presence of communication media in the form of mobile phones (HP) is a necessity to meet the demands of that era.

Many people still put their cellphones around their pillows when they sleep. Even though putting the cellphone beside us while sleeping there is a lot of bad that is caused.

Dzakiyatul Fahmi Mumtaz, a lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya, explained that according to the World Health Organization (WHO), exposure to radiation from cellphones can cause brain tumors. According to Michael Greger (2020), quoted in NutritionFacts, the human brain is sensitive to the effects of cellphone radiation.

Fahmi gave an example when the Covid-19 pandemic hit Indonesia, all students in the country were introduced to the online learning system or known as "online" (on the network) so that starting from elementary school children, they must already be familiar with cellphones and are proficient in using them.

"This makes the public's exposure to HP even higher," explained Fahmi Wednesday (27/7/22)

According to him, the use of cellphones makes users familiar with teleconference features, besides that entertainment applications (such as games, digital music and social media) reduce users' physical activity, especially in outdoor environments so that it can increase the incidence of obesity in society.

"According to research by Zhicong Ma et al (2021) on school students, it states that the prevalence of obesity is higher in male students than female students," he added.

He explained that the effort that can be made as the first prevention is the implementation of the use of gadgets, especially for school students, because it is necessary to know that currently the education system has introduced blended learning learning where learning has started to be carried out partially face to face and some are even 100% face to face with face to face learning frequency reduced. So that the use of devices in the Education area can be reduced.

The second prevention effort is the awareness of each user regarding the dangers of using HP for too long, so that if all elements of society understand the dangers, then at least they can protect the people they love to use HP wisely.