UM Surabaya Lecturer: Recognize the Causes and Characteristics of Someone Wanting to Suicide

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: Recognize the Causes and Characteristics of Someone Wanting to Suicide
  • 01 Sep
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Lecturer: Recognize the Causes and Characteristics of Someone Wanting to Suicide

A few days ago social media was horrified by South Korean actress Yoo Ju Eun who died of suicide at the age of 27. Yoo Ju Eun left a last message for his family, he told me that if he had to commit suicide because fighting for a career like an actress was torturous.

Not only in Korea, in Indonesia itself the number of suicides is not small. The Central Statistics Agency noted that in 2020 the total number of suicide cases in Indonesia reached 5,787.

Uswatun Hasanah, Lecturer in Mental Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya, explained that suicide is an act of injuring oneself with the intention of killing one's life.

According to Uswatun, suicidal behavior is part of a mental health problem that needs attention and must be addressed.

"A person who wants to commit suicide is caused by various factors that are very complex from a biological, psychological and socio-cultural aspect which accumulate in the form of a stressor that the sufferer is unable to handle adaptively," explained Uswatun Thursday (1/9/22)

According to his explanation, a person who wants to commit suicide if properly observed will show signs that signal that in the near future he will do so. Verbally, people who are about to commit suicide often complain of being tired of the situation, tired of being in the same situation for a long time, saying they are bored with life, questioning what they are living for, entrusting people or valuable things they have with others.

"Behaviorally, someone who wants to commit suicide will show unusual habits, such as being more silent, being alone, not wanting to do activities for several days, and avoiding meeting other people," Uswatun added.

He added, if someone has ever expressed suicidal ideation, we need to observe whether the idea continues to become a suicide attempt, taking into account physical conditions such as incision marks on the wrists or wounds on other body parts, or the use of chemicals or other dangerous substances.

People who commit suicide actually only have one main goal, not because they really want to die, but they just want to get away from difficult situations or problems that they feel unable to deal with.

"So what sufferers need most is support from the surrounding environment to be able to strengthen their mental-emotional condition, so that sufferers feel not alone," concluded Uswatun.