UM Surabaya Lecturer: This Habit Can Cause Obesity

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: This Habit Can Cause Obesity
  • 21 Aug
  • 2023

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UM Surabaya Lecturer: This Habit Can Cause Obesity

Obesity is a complex health problem, as well as a serious challenge in public health worldwide. This phenomenon not only threatens the health system, but also impacts the social and economic fabric.

Firman, a lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya, said that having unhealthy habits plays an important role in the development of obesity. Because of that understanding about the negative impact of some unhealthy habits is very important for all walks of life.

“The bad impact of obesity risk habits also has serious long-term effects on health. Obesity is often called the biological mother of all diseases, including the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, and cancer," said Firman Monday (21/8/23)

Firman explained, the occurrence of excessive weight gain in individuals is often caused by a number of risky habits. In-depth understanding of these factors is important, in order to make people aware, and be able to tackle the problem of obesity effectively. In his explanation, Firman said that several habits can cause obesity.

The first habit that is most often at risk of obesity is diet, frequent consumption of saturated fat, added sugar, and high calories is the main factor causing obesity.

"Consumption of fast food, sweet snacks, soft drinks, and processed foods that are low in nutrients is also a risky habit," he added.

Overeating and lack of portion control can contribute to excess calorie accumulation which leads to obesity. For this reason, it is important to understand a balanced diet, paying attention to proper nutritional intake and portions according to the body's needs.

Second from an unhealthy lifestyle is a lack of physical activity. Living in the modern era like now tends to be more relaxed and relying on technology, often hindering sufficient physical activity.

He asserted, lack of activity can interfere with the body's metabolism, resulting in fat accumulation, and reduce calorie burning. Routines like sitting in front of a computer screen all day or spending free time lying down can hinder efforts to maintain a healthy weight.

Third, often consume drinks that contain added sugar, such as soft drinks and fortified fruit juices. Because excessive consumption of sugary drinks can provide significant additional calories, this plays a role in causing obesity.

Fourth, prolonged stress and emotions that are not managed properly can trigger overeating as a form of coping. When many people experience stress, they tend to divert their emotions by eating a lot, which can lead to weight gain.

Lastly, lack of sleep can affect the regulation of hormones that control hunger and fullness, such as ghrelin and leptin.

"The hormonal imbalance can cause an increase in uncontrolled appetite, which can result in accelerating the occurrence of obesity," said Firman.