UM Surabaya Lecturer: Avoid This When Looking for a Job

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: Avoid This When Looking for a Job
  • 21 Jul
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Lecturer: Avoid This When Looking for a Job

Getting a well-established job in today's era is not easy. The small number of jobs is inversely proportional to the increasing number of job seekers or job seekers. This causes more and more unemployment.

Related to this, applicants must prepare optimally so as not to be rejected by the company they are applying for. With the large number of applicants graduating from high school/vocational school to bachelor's degrees, one must use the time and energy to find work that suits their skills.

Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering (FT) Lukman Hakim explained 5 things to avoid when someone is applying for a job. According to Lukman the first is to avoid sub-optimal interview skills. In looking for a job the most important thing is how applicants are able to communicate well with other people.

"For example, when we are interviewing, recruiters will definitely assess how communicative a person is and tend to be better prepared for all interview tests," explained Lukman Thursday (21/7/22)

The second is minimal networking. According to Lukman, having joined an organization and having many colleagues will sometimes make a special assessment to be more acceptable when applying for a job. Because you will be considered to have broad insight and have a mass base.

The third is self-qualification, not in the field. Looking for a job is usually due to passion in the field that is occupied. But the fact is that many people are looking for a job just because they need it and not in accordance with their knowledge or skills.

Usually in this condition, a person will be confronted with a situation that requires him to survive in a state of submission. So it would be nice to make sure what field to take so that someone feels comfortable with a new job that demands to be professional.

The four portfolios tend to be ordinary. When someone applies, don't make a CV in which it displays a simple portfolio. The reason is, the CV that is made must specifically indicate what skills and achievements you have had so far. This must also be in accordance with the job vacancies that we want.

Finally, avoid having a bad digital footprint. Finding a job in this digital era is certainly a risky thing due to personal problems. One of them is related to a certain impression attached to you, social media is sometimes one aspect of the assessment.

“Some companies sometimes check social media. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the applicant's social media is safe, make sure that nothing bad is displayed about the applicant," he said.