UM Surabaya Lecturer: Be Careful, Burnout Can Cause Death

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: Be Careful, Burnout Can Cause Death
  • 01 Mar
  • 2023

ilustrasi burnout. ( Vaitkevich)

UM Surabaya Lecturer: Be Careful, Burnout Can Cause Death

Fatigue due to work is often considered trivial, even considered not a problem. Even though fatigue due to excessive workload is very dangerous. This condition is usually called Burnout.

Burnout is chronic stress that occurs when individuals feel their workload exceeds their abilities. Burnout usually occurs due to a mismatch between work and workers. Burnout is also characterized by health and psychological disorders such as intestinal disorders, sleep disturbances, back pain, headaches, coughs, colds, depression, feelings of guilt, and emotional exhaustion.

UM Surabaya Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) lecturer Idham Choliq shared 4 tips so workers don't experience burnout.

First, prioritizing self-care. Idham explained that it is very important to replenish physical and emotional energy, the ability to focus, by prioritizing good sleeping habits, nutrition, exercise, social relationships, and habits, such as meditating, journaling, and enjoying nature.

“If someone has difficulty fitting such activities into their schedule because they are busy at work, take a week to assess exactly how you spend your time,” said Idham Wednesday (1/3/23)

Second, change perspective. One has to pay close attention to mindsets and assumptions. What aspects of a person's situation can really be improved, and which can be changed. Changing perspectives can withstand negative impacts even from an inflexible aspect.

"If fatigue is the main problem, ask yourself which tasks are important and which are not," added Idham again.

Third, reduce exposure to stress (stressors) at work. Stress sometimes involves co-workers, clients, and even family members. So it is important to determine whether this job can trigger stress or burnout. Avoid jobs that can trigger stress.

Fourth, do the interaction. The best solution for burnout is to seek rich interpersonal interactions and continuous professional personal development.

“Find coaches and mentors who can help identify and activate positive relationships and learning opportunities. Being willing to advise others is another very effective way to break out of a negative cycle," concluded Idham.