UM Surabaya lecturer: Sitting for too long increases the risk of heart disease and stroke

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya lecturer: Sitting for too long increases the risk of heart disease and stroke
  • 28 Jun
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya lecturer: Sitting for too long increases the risk of heart disease and stroke

The habit of sitting for long periods of time is often done by people who work in offices. Behind the comfort of sitting in a chair for 6-8 hours, there are dangers lurking in the body that we need to be aware of.

Ira Purnamasari Lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya explained several serious illnesses that are caused if someone sits too long. According to Ira, one of the bad effects is the risk of heart disease and stroke.

According to Ira, as an office worker, sitting in a chair and facing the computer is an obligation, usually these activities are accompanied by eating snacks or oily foods that are high in calories.

"Foods that contain lots of calories cause a person to be overweight and to become obese, where obesity itself causes various health problems such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes," explained Ira Tuesday (28/6/22)

Ira explained that cholesterol is obtained from oily food consumed while sitting, which in excess will circulate in the blood, accumulate on the walls of the arteries which over time will thicken and harden so that it can block blood flow to the heart and brain, causing a person to suffer from coronary heart disease. and strokes.

The second impact is the risk of circulatory disorders. Ira emphasized that sitting for too long causes circulation problems, one of which is in the legs, blood collects around the feet which over time will cause health problems such as varicose veins and swelling of the ankles.

In addition to the feet, blood circulation disorders also occur in the brain. Blood intake that carries oxygen that should be obtained by the brain is reduced. A brain that receives less oxygen will experience a decrease in brain function and ability, one of which is difficulty focusing and feeling tired easily.

Lastly is the risk of back pain. Sitting for too long results in excess pressure on the spine, this condition gets worse if our sitting position is not correct

"This condition results in excess lower back pain. To reduce the risk due to sitting too long, we can spend more time doing sports," he concluded.