UM Surabaya Lecturer; Prevent cholesterol and weight gain during Eid this way

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer; Prevent cholesterol and weight gain during Eid this way
  • 04 May
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Lecturer; Prevent cholesterol and weight gain during Eid this way

Eid al-Fitr 1443H has been going on for three days. The community meets families in their hometown, of course, with a variety of foods, starting from special Eid dishes such as chicken opor, rendang, liver fried chili sauce which are in great demand by the Indonesian people.

Dzakiyatul Fahmi Mumtaz Lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya explained that Eid special dishes are actually safe to eat as long as they are in sufficient quantities, bearing in mind the rules in Islam which are enough and not to overdo it which is proven effective to avoid bad effects on the body, one of which is an increase in cholesterol. which resulted in weight gain in the nuances of Eid like today.

"Several studies explain that dietary habits and nutritional intake like this are one of the main environmental risk factors for cardiovascular disease through blood cholesterol," said Fahmi Wednesday (4/5/22)

According to him, humans need cholesterol in their bodies, but with very little levels compared to other nutrients. Cholesterol is a saturated fatty acid which is generally found in animal products. So it will be safer to consume foods with unsaturated fatty acids such as oils from plants and nuts.

Intake of vegetable protein or soy protein has the ability to lower cholesterol levels, especially the type of LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol) which is called bad cholesterol. An example is tempeh which is a source of vegetable protein. In addition, it is also coupled with the consumption of sources of fiber such as fruits and vegetables. So that during Eid, it is important to maintain a variety of food by combining several animal and vegetable nutritional intakes and supplemented with fruits and vegetables.

In a written statement, he explained that there are several ways that can be applied when eating special Eid snacks so that the body is free from complaints. First, if you feel that you are overweight, it is advisable to lose weight before Eid at least 1-2 pounds 0.5-1 kg a week).

"Second, choose snacks with whole grain varieties such as rice, bread, cereal or pasta, get used to consuming fruit and vegetables per day and increase consumption up to 5x a day until Eid arrives," he said again.

Next complete the nutrition by choosing low-fat dairy products such as yogurt. During Eid, choose foods with baked and boiled cooking methods rather than fried ones to avoid saturated fats. Limit Eid foods and drinks high in fat, sugar or salt such as chips, biscuits, chocolate or packaged soft drinks.
"Finally, for people who already have a history of high cholesterol levels and are aged 45 years and over can have their cholesterol checked regularly and adhere to taking medication to maintain fitness during the Eid momentum," he said.