Dosen UM Surabaya: Begini Tips Mengelola Keuangan Setelah Gajian

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Gambar Artikel Dosen UM Surabaya: Begini Tips Mengelola Keuangan Setelah Gajian
  • 09 Sep
  • 2022

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Dosen UM Surabaya: Begini Tips Mengelola Keuangan Setelah Gajian

Everyone will be happy when payday arrives, especially if there were lots of expenses in the previous month. Everyone is anticipating the arrival of payday. Just don't let bad management habits have a negative impact on our financial patterns in the following months.

UM Surabaya Economics Lecturer Fatkur Huda shares 5 tips on managing finances after payday. According to Fatkur, the first thing to do is draw up a budget.

"The preparation of the budget is expected to have measurements regarding the sources of funds that are allowed to be used for certain purposes, so that spending can know the safe limits or have exceeded the budget," said Fatkur Friday (9/9/22)

According to him, in this marketplace era, it will provide easy access for us to shop, so it is necessary to be wise to arrange which necessities must be purchased and which are not.

Second, use the financial allocation formula. There are several financial allocation formulas, for example the 40/30/20/10 formula. This method has 4 important parts, namely 40 percent is allocated for basic needs, 30 percent for paying installments, 20 percent for investment needs, and 10 percent for social (charity) allocations.

Third storage for emergency funds. The existence of an emergency at this time is important, because disasters can occur beyond our expectations. Learning from the Covid-19 pandemic makes a person really need an emergency fund that can be utilized. In contrast to investments, in allocating emergency funds we must choose instruments that are safe and easy to liquidate. One instrument that can be used is to develop an emergency fund in the form of gold.

The four finally decided. Someday someone will experience old age (retirement) at which time they will have a passive income phase. So investing is an important part that must be included in the distribution of salary money.

“Currently there are many financial institutions that offer investment or fund development with small capital without having to wait for large capital. Or even someone can develop the syirkah model," he said.

Finally do a financial evaluation. The step to evaluate is an important part of managing finances from monthly salary sources. Evaluation is carried out under any circumstances, both in conditions where expenditures occur and when there are leftovers at the end of the month.

“Recording every expenditure made per day will be useful when conducting a financial evaluation. We can reassess whether the expenses that have been made need to be corrected in the next month. On the other hand, this evaluation will provide a new view of whether the method of dividing the monthly salary is the right way or not." closed Fatkur.