UM Surabaya Lecturer: Here's How to Teach Children to Manage Eid Angpau Wisely according to Age

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: Here's How to Teach Children to Manage Eid Angpau Wisely according to Age
  • 24 Apr
  • 2023

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UM Surabaya Lecturer: Here's How to Teach Children to Manage Eid Angpau Wisely according to Age

During Eid, the tradition of giving angpao is much awaited by adults and children. Besides being a tradition in Indonesia, giving THR will teach children to learn the meaning of giving and receiving sincerely. When children get THR red packets, parents need to teach them how to manage them so that children are not wasteful.

UM Surabaya Sharia Economics Lecturer Fatkur Huda shares tips with parents on how to teach children to manage Eid red packets wisely so they don't go to waste.

According to Fatkur, the first thing that must be done is to understand the needs and desires. The way that needs to be done is to give children an understanding of the concept of needs and wants, this is to help children to be able to manage angapao according to priority needs.

"This method can already be taught to our children who are entering the age of 4-6 years," said Fatkur Monday (24/4/23)

This is not impossible, children have started to be invited to discuss what to buy as a need or just as a wish. Examples of allocations for their school's needs, which support learning.

Second, teach productive financial management. Getting angpao money will certainly make our children more consumptive, because the money earned is considered a bonus. For children who have entered elementary school age 7-12, of course, they can be directed to learn to be productive in managing finances. This is so that the angpao received does not run out in an instant.

According to Fatkur, children at this age can already be directed to be able to spend their money in productive directions such as saving and short-term investments, as well as inviting them to learn entrepreneurship.

"In children of this age, of course, we have to accompany them to determine the goals of the investment or effort being made, so that in the future an evaluation can be carried out," he added again.

Third, teach to do shopping wisely. Entering junior high school age (13-15 years old) a more mature approach is needed, children of this age already have choices to make in every shopping. But of course it needs to be reminded again of the value of needs and desires and then give him the freedom to manage his Eid angpao wisely.

According to him, providing additional knowledge about how money works is not limited to being a medium of exchange for goods, but can also be a very important long-term future investment tool, such as investing in education funds by opening an account in your own name and or investing in gold.

The choice chosen is a step to build child maturity in thinking about managing finances and never be afraid to let children make decisions about how it will end.

Fourth, teach about independence in making money. Children with senior high school status (vulnerable at the age of 16-18) are still children in the adolescent or immature category, of course, all their needs are still the responsibility of their parents. However, as a medium of learning, children must be understood about how to earn their own money.

"Of course at this age the goal is not to meet their needs, but rather so that children understand independence in making money which is certainly not easy so that they can be more frugal and careful in managing the Eid angpao they get," concluded Fatkur.