Dosen UM Surabaya Bagikan Tips untuk Fresh Graduate agar Cepat Dapat Pekerjaan

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Gambar Artikel Dosen UM Surabaya Bagikan Tips untuk Fresh Graduate agar Cepat Dapat Pekerjaan
  • 13 Sep
  • 2022

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

Dosen UM Surabaya Bagikan Tips untuk Fresh Graduate agar Cepat Dapat Pekerjaan

One of the national problems faced by the government is the limited employment opportunities for its citizens, this is exacerbated due to the increasing number of unemployed.

Samsul Arifin, a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, UM Surabaya, shared five tips for final semester students so that they can get jobs quickly after graduation. According to him, final semester students must understand and do several things.

The first thing to do is build and multiply relationships. More and more relations will appear in which communication will discuss related activities.

"Conditions like this will make it easier for someone to get a lot of information than just reading job vacancies in newspapers or in the news," said Ari Tuesday (13/9/22)

Second, know your own abilities. Every human being has advantages and disadvantages of each. Potential becomes stored energy, it's just a matter of how students can hone and turn it into their own abilities.

Third, don't be too selective. Not a few Fresh Graduates are stuck in a state of stagnation because they are waiting for the job they dream of.

"Whatever it is, take it, apart from adding new insights and knowledge, at least maintain your knowledge and skills so that they remain honed and not dull," he said.

Fourth, don't be tempted by instant things. This condition is exacerbated by the increasing number of young people sharing their success on social media, and encouraging other young people to achieve success as quickly and as early as possible.

Fifth, there is no term fail. One's knowledge and mentality have a great influence on life.
"What must be built is the mindset that the ups and downs you face are a pleasure and whether you like it or not you have to face it," concluded Ari.