UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips for Successful Scholarship Interviews

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips for Successful Scholarship Interviews
  • 10 Oct
  • 2022

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips for Successful Scholarship Interviews

The scholarship interview test is one of the stages that must be passed by scholarship recipient candidates, be it at the Bachelor or Postgraduate level. Many scholarship providers conduct interview tests, this aims to assess personality and ensure that what is written in the applicant's data is in accordance with reality.

Junaidi Fery Efendi Lecturer and Head of the Alumni and Innovation Student Administration Bureau (BAKAI) shared a number of tips for prospective students to be successful when conducting scholarship interviews.

The first thing to do is practice interviews often. In this case someone can involve family or friends.

“Position you are in a serious interview by the scholarship assessment team. This is good for practicing communication,” said Junaidi Monday (10/10/22)

He gave an example of several questions that could be used, including: telling about oneself, explaining strengths and weaknesses, explaining the greatest strengths and weaknesses, reasons for choosing a scholarship, motivation when applying for a scholarship, how to overcome major obstacles, or contributions that will be made after completing the study.

The second thing that must be done when conducting interviews with prospective students is to be on time. This means that prospective students are prohibited from being late. Arriving early will create a good impression that the prospective student is someone who is disciplined.

Third, stay calm and don't be nervous. Take deep breaths, sit still, make eye contact, adjust your posture, calm your mind to look ready and relaxed.

“The most important thing is not to repeat words often, for example what, umm or ah which gives the impression that someone is in doubt and unsure. Make sure that every answer that comes out of the mouth is correct and can be accounted for," he added.

Fourth, dress neatly and properly. This means that one must dress formally. If a woman, wear a skirt or shirt top pants. Make sure it's clean and no wrinkles.

Fifth, don't make up answers. If a prospective student does not know the answer asked, try asking for further explanation or say they don't know if they really don't know.

"Don't try to make up unknown answers, this can be fatal because this will show how much knowledge you have," he said again.

Don't be nervous from start to finish. Try to stay relaxed. An interviewer can definitely see the nervousness of the applicants. As long as you prepare well, believe that you have done your best.

“Make sure that the CV you write is very memorable so that you get the opportunity to go through the interview stages. Keep instilling confidence that you will be accepted,” he concluded.