UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Fasting for Breastfeeding Mothers So Breast Milk Continues Smoothly

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Fasting for Breastfeeding Mothers So Breast Milk Continues Smoothly
  • 14 Apr
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Fasting for Breastfeeding Mothers So Breast Milk Continues Smoothly

Islam provides waivers for nursing mothers not to fast. However, breastfeeding mothers who want to fast need to pay attention to a number of things, such as babies who are more than 6 months old.

"Because if you are still exclusively breastfed, the baby's only source of food is the breast milk produced by the mother. What is feared if fasting is that breast milk production will decrease and override the baby's right to receive exclusive breastfeeding," explained Ira Purnamsari, a lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya.

Ira explained that mothers who are going to fast must ensure that their children have MP-ASI and have a good appetite. Not pursuing the child's BB target or there is no growth and development that has not reached the minimum age target and the mother and child are in good health and not suffering from any disease.

In a written statement, Ira shared several tips for nursing mothers who are fasting so that breastfeeding continues smoothly.

"First, mothers must ensure that their fluid needs are met, namely by consuming at least 3 liters of mineral water per day. Eat 3 times a day, namely at dawn, when breaking the fast, and at night after tarawih prayers," said Ira Thursday (14/4/22)

According to Ira, breastfeeding mothers who are fasting are required to consume food with balanced nutrition, not tending to only one type of food that contains carbohydrates, replacing simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates so that blood sugar is stable and not easily hungry, such as replacing white rice with brown rice or brown rice.

Protein like eggs, fish and meat with little fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals (vegetables and fruit). Avoid foods that are too sweet, high in fat, packaged or instant foods, and caffeinated drinks.

At the end of her statement, Ira also added to cancel the fast if signs and symptoms appear in the child, such as the child being more fussy than usual, the child urinating less than 6 times a day, the child being inactive and looking weak or lethargic, constipation (hard bowel movements), the child's weight loss or not up

"If the mother's condition is dehydrated with symptoms of excessive thirst, dizziness, dry lips and reduced urination. Mothers experience hypoglycemia with symptoms of dizziness, weakness, lightheadedness, difficulty concentrating, paleness, cold sweat, tremors, palpitations, and decreased awareness of fasting, which must be canceled immediately," he concluded.