UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips for Saving Yourself when an Earthquake Occurs

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  • 22 Nov
  • 2022


UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips for Saving Yourself when an Earthquake Occurs

Indonesia is located on three active plates in the world, namely the Pacific plate, the Indo-Australian plate, and the Eurasian plate, making Indonesia a country prone to earthquakes.

Earthquake disasters are caused by tectonic activity, namely the sudden shift of tectonic plates that have strength from very small to very large. Vibration strength is generated due to the release of energy when the plate shifts.

Most of the impacts caused by earthquakes are damage to buildings, minor and serious injuries to victims who die.

Lecturer in Disaster and Emergency Nursing at FIK UM Surabaya, Agung Wijaya, explained that earthquake disasters cannot be avoided or resisted, but rather need to be adapted to the environment, by always being responsive, agile and resilient.

According to him, when an earthquake occurs there are several things that need to be considered, including the first, don't panic and stay calm.

"If an earthquake occurs, immediately take cover under a hard table or sturdy furniture. If there is no table, protect your head using a hard mat or pillow," said Agung Tuesday (11/22/22)

Agung advised to stay away from windows, furniture, or objects that are sharp and can injure. When an earthquake occurs, it is also important to avoid building structures that appear to be easily collapsed and fragile.

He emphasized not to get out before the shaking completely stopped and conditions were safe.

"If you are in the office, don't use the elevator, usually when a big earthquake causes power outages, this is to prevent someone from getting stuck in the elevator and unable to get out," he added.

Furthermore, he explained that when outside, stay away from buildings, billboards, poles and tall trees.

Meanwhile, if you are riding a motorbike, stop immediately, put the motorbike down while paying attention to the surrounding environment which is also safe.

Not only that, Agung also explained a number of things that must be done after an earthquake, including: be aware of aftershocks, listen to information from BNPB or authorities related to disaster development, be careful of hoaxes, be aware of objects that are at risk of falling and help victims. to a safe location.

"Earthquakes cannot be avoided, but we can prepare by frequently carrying out earthquake preparedness exercises," Agung concluded.