UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips for Filling the New Year with Positive Activities

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips for Filling the New Year with Positive Activities
  • 28 May
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips for Filling the New Year with Positive Activities

The end of the year is an occasion for self-evaluation from the routine that was passed in 2022, starting from correcting financial planning, educational planning and achievements that have been achieved this year.

On New Year's Eve, people tend to get carried away with joy, spending the whole night full of various entertaining activities with parties and rah-rah. Whether it's just hanging out with family, friends, friends, dancing merrily, or traveling around town by motorbike until the wee hours of the morning.

So that the time that is wasted is just a place for spree, even though there are actually many choices of ways to fill the night of the change of time. For example, by carrying out positive activities that are beneficial for the benefit of the people, such as muhasabah or self-introspection.

Lecturer in the Study of Religions at the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) UM Surabaya M Febriyanto Firman Wijaya shared a number of tips for filling New Year's Eve with various positive activities.

First, according to Ryan, is to make notes regarding what has been done this year, this is material for self-introspection.

Second, make details of targets to be carried out next year, such as starting to make financial planning, adding sunnah fasting practices, starting to learn additional skills and learning new things.

Third, avoid old habits that are not useful this year, such as staying away from debt, praying in congregation at the mosque, reducing hanging out and reducing coming home late at night.

Fourth, start setting intentions so that next year will be a much better person than last year and bring many benefits to the family and other communities.

"Furthermore, at the end of the year we should carry out positive activities, such as participating in scientific discussions, workshops, talk shows, religious studies and evening prayers," said Ryan.

Ryan also advised not to engage in extravagant and extravagant activities such as partying and drinking, driving and crowding around the city until the wee hours of the morning.

"Do small practices such as reciting the remembrance of Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illalllah, Bismillaahir-Rahmanir-Rahim, Astaghfirullah and La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah," concluded Ryan.