UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Working on Thesis to Graduate on Time

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Working on Thesis to Graduate on Time
  • 01 Dec
  • 2022

Ilustrasi mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Working on Thesis to Graduate on Time

Completing a thesis is one of the determinants of a student's graduation. Thesis is one of the final stages in order to obtain a bachelor's degree. Many students graduate quickly because their thesis is on time, but there are also many students who delay writing their thesis so that other students graduate late.

Lecturer in Indonesian Language and Literature Education FKIP UM Surabaya Suher said students who are about to start working on a thesis must be fully prepared so they can produce a good thesis and get good grades.

In a written statement, Suher shared a number of tips on working on his thesis to graduate on time.

According to him, the first thing to do is choose a topic you like. He invited students to start working on their thesis with a happy feeling.

"Look for a topic you like, because if basically students like it, then every writing process they go through will feel easier," said Suher Thursday (1/12/22)

He urged students to prepare several topics, at least five of them were prepared, this was in anticipation if other titles were rejected, so there were still many reserve topics that could be submitted to the supervisor.

Both are valid data. The data in the thesis is a mandatory thing, because a study will be considered valid if the data presented in it. He appealed for the data needed in the thesis to be available.

“When the thesis title has been determined, look for data from various sources, it can be from books, journals, newspapers, websites or data in the field. Make sure all the data taken has reliable sources and can be accounted for," he added.

All three meet the requirements. Final semester students are required to read all the requirements and thesis guidelines issued by the university. For example, the number of KRS that must be met, the number of meetings with lecturers. If the explanation cannot be understood clearly, students can immediately ask the lecturer or student affairs.

Fourth, set a clear frame of mind. The framework contains a systematic writing starting from the background, problem formulation, objectives, benefits and theoretical basis. Suher advised to make it in chart form so it could be easier to read.

"The aim is to serve as a guide so that it is easy to prepare the thesis as a whole, apart from that, it also limits the discussion of the thesis so that it is focused and does not go anywhere," he said.

Fifth, submit a research proposal, before the thesis session, students will write a research proposal. This research proposal will be able to find out whether student research can be continued or not.

In writing a research proposal students will write chapters 1 to 3. While chapters 4 and 5 will continue after the proposal session.

Sixth, treat the supervising lecturer well. The fluency in working on the thesis is also influenced by the supervisor. Get to know and treat your supervisor well, one of which is by being an active student.

Finally make a target. Targets made by students will help students in terms of discipline in completing assignments and not underestimating time.

"Don't procrastinate in working on your thesis, because once you postpone your thesis it can become a habit of underestimating which has a negative impact on the final project," concluded Suher.