UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Creative Teaching Tips for PAUD Teachers

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Creative Teaching Tips for PAUD Teachers
  • 13 Oct
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Creative Teaching Tips for PAUD Teachers

Becoming an Early Childhood Education (PAUD) teacher will be required to always be creative and innovative in creating learning and playing activities at school.

Monotonous activities will make children experience boredom and even stress because they lack exploratory activities.

Agus Budiman, Lecturer in Early Childhood Education (PAUD) UM Surabaya, shared a number of tips so that PAUD teachers are always creative when teaching children at school.

The first thing that can be done is the "Play-Time" activity. Play-time is an activity that frees the children they like. There are activities that children can choose, for example playing with blocks, playing with dolls, drawing, coloring, reading books, and others. .

“Second is using child-friendly learning technology media. As the Alpha generation, of course teachers are able to provide optimal assistance in using technology in Early Childhood (AUD) learning,” explained Budi Thursday (13/10/22)

He gave an example of child-friendly technology including video games, VCD players, televisions, computers and calculators.

Third, giving awards to students. It is intended that children will be more enthusiastic in participating in every activity taught by their teacher, the teacher can prepare various awards.

"Rewards or awards to students will increase self-confidence, foster motivation to learn and develop themselves," said Budi again.

Fourth study outdoors. It is not enough to just rely on learning in the classroom, as parents or PAUD teachers, it is also necessary to invite children to study outside the room.

According to Budi, besides being able to learn more about the physical environment and the importance of natural wealth, learning in open spaces will also encourage students to be more creative and active in learning.

Fifth, maximize the use of props. With teaching aids, children not only learn by seeing, but also by touching real objects.

"Teachers must frequently maximize the use of visual aids in schools, this is part of training children's motor skills," concluded Budi.