UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips for Saving Hajj Funds for Workers

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips for Saving Hajj Funds for Workers
  • 14 Jun
  • 2023

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UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips for Saving Hajj Funds for Workers

Hajj is a mandatory one-time pilgrimage for Muslims who can afford it because it is included in the pillars of Islam, but it is known that the technical departure and accommodation required requires a high cost. So for ordinary workers of course it takes a strong commitment and it takes a long time to be able to go on pilgrimage.

The average waiting period for Hajj in Indonesia ranges from 22 years to 46 years. If you are based on our current age, then it must be calculated carefully so that we can go to Hajj at the right age.

UM Surabaya Sharia Banking Lecturer Arin Setyowati shared several tips on saving Hajj funds for workers.

According to Arin, the first is to rearrange family financial priorities. This is important to do as a form of strong commitment to register and leave for Hajj more quickly.

"By reducing other expenditure items that can be postponed, reduced or saved, one of which is the entertainment fund post or you can also reduce expenditure items for future investments," said Arin Wednesday (14/6/23)

Second, allocate a special 10-20 percent of salary. If you have made a strong commitment to go on pilgrimage, then it must be balanced with efforts to start setting aside salary to the post of pilgrimage savings around 10-20 percent. This is done on condition that it does not reduce basic household expenses.

Fourth, save money in the safest investment instruments. One other creative and productive way to increase set aside funds is by allocating savings to investment instruments that are safe and provide added value through profit sharing.

“This can be done by choosing investment instruments in mutual funds or government bonds. What needs to be considered is that the deadline needed must be adjusted to the needs so that it fits the target year of going to Hajj, "added Arin again.

Fifth, bonuses and unexpected income can be included as additional hajj savings. Apart from investing in the right instruments, the year-end bonus or the thirteenth salary from the company where you work can be an alternative post to add to Hajj savings to further accelerate the fulfillment of the Hajj funds we need.

“Annual bonuses that are usually planned to be used for holidays, can be postponed first. Apart from that, you can do it through a side job to get additional income, which is specifically intended for additional haj savings, "concluded Arin.