UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Choosing Sacrificial Animals in Accordance with Islamic Shari'a

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Choosing Sacrificial Animals in Accordance with Islamic Shari'a
  • 13 Jun
  • 2023

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UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Choosing Sacrificial Animals in Accordance with Islamic Shari'a

In carrying out qurban worship, choosing an animal that is in accordance with Islamic law is an important step. Through proper selection, one can ensure that his qurban is accepted by Allah SWT.

M Febriyanto Firman Wijaya Lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) UM Surabaya shared tips on choosing qurban animals, supported by relevant Islamic law arguments.

First, pay attention to the physical and health qualities of the animal: Rasulullah SAW said, "Indeed, Allah is All-Good and He only accepts what is good." (HR. Muslim).

“Therefore, it is important to choose qurbani animals that have good physical and health qualities. Choose animals with neat fur, healthy skin, complete teeth, and do not have physical defects or dangerous diseases. This is in accordance with the principle that the qurban must be a livestock that is fit for consumption." said Riyan Tuesday (13/6/23)

Second, the age of the animal. In the hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, Aisyah RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW said, "Indeed, everything that reaches the age of one year is ripe."

Based on this hadith, sacrificial animals such as goats or sheep must reach at least one year of age, while cows are at least two years old. Choosing a sacrificial animal of an age that meets these requirements will make our qurban comply with religious guidelines.

Third, animal readiness for qurban: According to Islamic law, qurban animals must be specially prepared before being slaughtered. They should be well fed and watered, cared for with affection, and not mistreated. Rasulullah SAW said, "The best of you are the best to his family, and I am the best among you to my family." (HR. Tirmidhi).

"Choose sacrificial animals from farms that maintain animal welfare and sustainability, and ensure that they are treated properly," added Riyan again.

Fourth, sharing with others: On Eid al-Adha, the main purpose of qurban worship is sharing with others. Allah SWT says in the Qur'an, Surah Al-Hajj, verse 28, "Then let them witness the benefits of these animals and mention the name of Allah when they are alive, then when the animals have arrived (to the their sacrifices), then they should eat some of it and feed the poor who do not beg and the poor who beg."

Choose a sacrificial animal with the size and weight according to the needs of the family and the surrounding community. This will ensure that the sacrificial animals can be distributed to those in need.

Riyan stressed again, in choosing a qurban animal, one must pay attention to the physical quality and health of the animal, the age that meets the requirements, the animal's readiness for qurban, as well as the aspect of sharing with others. Selection in accordance with Islamic law will ensure that our qurban is accepted by Allah SWT.

"By understanding the supporting arguments, we can carry out the qurban worship correctly and full of blessings," Riyan concluded.