UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Making Creative Learning Media

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Making Creative Learning Media
  • 11 Jan
  • 2023

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UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Making Creative Learning Media

The era of development of the times requires teachers to be creative educators. Classroom learning becomes a space for teacher actualization in applying creative learning media. The use of creative learning media is important for teachers in the teaching and learning process with students.

Agus Budiman, a lecturer in Visual Communication Design (DKV) UM Surabaya, said that learning media has an important role in increasing students' interest in learning at school, especially in Elementary Schools (SD).

"Children in lower grades are not yet able to think abstractly, so the material taught by the teacher needs to be visualized in a more real or concrete form," said Budi Wednesday (11/1/23)

In a written statement, Budi shared a number of tips for teachers to be able to create creative learning media so that learning in class is always interesting.

According to Budi, the first thing that must be done by the teacher is research. Research is the initial strategy that teachers need to do in creating creative learning media.

"Research is used to look for comparisons and then to find new inspiration in creating learning media," he added.

Both are novelty. Creative learning media is media that has a novelty value, of course in finding novelty in learning media, teachers must be able to find the interesting side of the learning media they create. Novelty is always synonymous with the originality of the learning media created.

Third, adaptive in creating creative learning media, the teacher must have the ability to adapt to circumstances or changes that occur.

"Of course this requires in-depth observation in adapting the student's character to the media being made," he added.

Fourth, take advantage of technology. In the all-digital era, teachers must be able to utilize technology in creating learning media. The presence of technology in learning media makes students easier in the learning process. Besides that, with the presence of learning technology, the media presented by the teacher is more attractive to students.

Finally, being a teacher must always be interactive. Creative learning media must have an important role in increasing student learning interest, without any interaction from students, learning media cannot be said to be creative.

"In the teaching and learning process, active two-way communication is required between the media and students, so that it aims to facilitate the learning process," he concluded.