UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips for Completing College on Time

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips for Completing College on Time
  • 05 Sep
  • 2022

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips for Completing College on Time

As a student, graduating on time is certainly a very desirable thing. Apart from being able to please parents, graduating on time also makes it easier for someone to find a job. But in reality, graduating on time is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Sometimes there are several obstacles experienced by students so that the lecture becomes longer than it should be.

UM Surabaya Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Lecturer Holy Ichda Wahyuni explained that taking too long to attend college can lead to waste, both in terms of time and tuition fees. Not only that, graduating not on time can also be a cause of disturbed mental health problems.

In a written statement, Holy shared five tips so that students graduate on time. According to him, the first thing that must be done is commitment from the beginning when you are a student.

“Commitment from the start when you are a new student will help you achieve your goals. If students are confused, they can meet the guardian lecturer to simply share or ask for advice," explained Holy Monday (5/9/22)

Second, students must understand their obligations. This means that since freshman students must learn and develop academic potential in a balanced way. Often students are negligent with their obligations and focus more on activities outside of college such as UKM and organizations so they don't focus on their initial goals.

Third, understand the minimum number of credits. According to Holy, when students already know the minimum number of credits to graduate, students will more easily understand the appropriate learning method to complete all the credits taken.

Fourth, determine the topic of the thesis from the start. Sometimes this thesis becomes an obstacle for students to graduate on time because of the thesis topics that are repeatedly rejected by the examiner.

"If usually thesis begins in semester 7 with the provision of thesis writing, students can start earlier by determining research topics in semester 4 or 5," added Holy.

According to Holy, so that students don't have any difficulties while working on it and still enjoy it, students can choose the research topic that they like and master the most, this will certainly make it easier for students and not easy to stress.

Fifth, build positive communication with the supervisor. Good relationship and communication with the thesis supervisor is something that is important for students to do because this will make it easier when discussing.

"If we have a good relationship with the supervising lecturers, students will not hesitate to invite discussions or ask questions about the difficulties and obstacles they are experiencing. This process will make it easier to complete the thesis,” Holy concluded.