UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on First Aid Steps for Drowning People

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on First Aid Steps for Drowning People
  • 21 May
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on First Aid Steps for Drowning People

The fun of playing in water can be done in open places such as beaches, springs, or rivers. Every activity can be ascertained to have a level of hazard or danger, especially things that are carried out without supervision or special standards. Cramps, fatigue, bumps and drowning are risky hazards encountered in playing water activities.

In the environment of rides that have SOP First Aid Water Rescue of course it's not that worrying because all visitor activities can be monitored, but the opposite will not be found if doing water play activities in a free place without a manager, you can be sure there is no SOP for help either.

UM Surabaya Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) lecturer, Agung Wijaya, explained that a person really needs to know the first steps to help ordinary people without skills when they find a drowning victim.

The first thing that must be done is to avoid Panic Attack conditions, because this will make us uneasy and can result in making inappropriate decisions, for example immediately trying to help the victim by jumping into the water without knowing one's own capacity, or the condition of the water flow which can be risky. ourselves and become the next victim.

"Seek help from other people by shouting, asking people around for help, and continuing to ask for help to contact authorities such as SAR, ambulance or police," said Agung, Tuesday (31/5/22)

Then someone can look for tools that can pull the victim to the edge, can use caulking, bamboo, rope, or floats.

"If the victim can be marginalized, immediately check the victim's condition, check consciousness, whether he is breathing or not, if he is not breathing and there is no carotid pulse located near the neck, immediately do CPR or cardiac massage, do it until medical personnel arrive to help," he explained. Agung who is a Disaster and Emergency Lecturer.

He explained that if the victim's condition already has blueness in the facial area, there is no need to do CPR.

In a written statement, he also explained how to help drowning victims for ordinary people who have the ability to swim. According to him, many things must be paid attention to, one of which is that helpers must continue to use life jackets or life jackets when carrying out assistance

“Know the environment, water currents before doing help and shouting for help from people around, and instruct them to contact the authorities. Swim close to the victim but while maintaining a distance, and make sure the victim does not panic

"Throw a buoy or rope at the victim, approach the victim if the victim's condition is not panicked, then take the victim to the side and provide further assistance with the medical team," he added.

At the end of his statement, Agung explained that in providing assistance, it is necessary to pay attention to the principle of Time Saving Life Saving, meaning that the quicker the time to respond to an emergency event, the greater the opportunity to help victims.