UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Safe Fasting Tips for Diabetics

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Safe Fasting Tips for Diabetics
  • 14 Apr
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Safe Fasting Tips for Diabetics

The month of Ramadan is the holy month for Muslims where there is an obligation to fast. Of course all Muslims want to carry out fasting properly and healthily. However, fasting has risks for some people, including people with Diabetes Mellitus (DM). It takes special preparation especially for diabetics to stay healthy while fasting.

Yelvi Levani Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UM Surabaya explained Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels accompanied by metabolic disorders due to impaired function of the hormone insulin.

“When fasting, there are changes in eating patterns, sleeping patterns, hormonal changes, fluid balance and changes in blood sugar levels. Of course, this will greatly affect the condition of diabetes patients,” said Yelvi on Wednesday (13/4/22)

Lack of sleep during the month of Ramadan, can cause a decrease in blood sugar tolerance and the risk of increasing weight in diabetes patients.

Some of the risk factors that lurk diabetics while fasting include hypoglycemia (decreased blood sugar in the body), hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar in the body), dehydration (lack of body fluids) and diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis is an emergency condition in diabetics which is characterized by high levels of ketones in the blood.

Before fasting, diabetics are advised to check with their doctor to assess the degree of risk for fasting. For diabetics with high risk, it is not recommended to fast. Whereas for diabetics with low and moderate risk, it is permissible to fast under the supervision of a doctor.

"When fasting, diabetics are advised to independently check their blood sugar levels to help identify and prevent hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia during Ramadan fasting. Checking blood sugar levels independently certainly does not break the fast," he added.

According to Yelvi, as a doctor, diabetics who fast must recognize the danger signs when they have to break their fast. These signs include shaking, sweating or chills, palpitations, dizziness, headaches and confusion. These signs are signs of hypoglycemia which can be dangerous if left unchecked.

"Several things that diabetics can pay attention to when fasting during Ramadan are avoiding excessive consumption of food when breaking the fast, avoiding consuming too much sweet and fried foods, always eating pre-dawn before fasting, consuming high-fiber carbohydrates, consuming foods with balanced nutrition at dawn. and breaking the fast, and breaking the fast by consuming lots of water and dates to help increase blood sugar levels," he explained.

Some foods that are recommended to be consumed by diabetics at dawn or breaking the fast include wheat, brown rice, vegetables, fish, skinless chicken, milk, and nuts. Meanwhile, some foods that should be avoided include red meat, fast food, cakes, simple carbohydrates, white potatoes, white bread and foods that are high in sugar.

"In addition to paying attention to food, diabetics are also advised to get enough sleep and avoid doing strenuous physical activity, especially when it's time to break the fast. This is done to prevent hypoglycemia and dehydration in fasting diabetics. By paying attention to the strategies above, diabetics can still fast properly," he concluded.