UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips for Safe Shopping at the End of the Year

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips for Safe Shopping at the End of the Year
  • 15 Dec
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips for Safe Shopping at the End of the Year

Towards the end of the year, many business actors started selling goods or products that had not yet been sold. These sales were usually carried out at online to offline stores with a massive discount offer scheme.

However, for someone who wants to shop online at the end of the year, then you should be vigilant and not easily tempted by massive discount offers.

Fatkur Huda, an Economics Lecturer at UM Surabaya, said that year-end discounts and promos often make someone lull and want to shop immediately without thinking. In a written statement, Fatkur shared a number of year-end shopping tips to keep your pockets safe.

According to Fatkur, the first is needs evaluation. He said the end of the year should be a separate moment for self-evaluation and did not rule out the possibility of evaluating the financial budget

He said, to achieve needs, it is better to start by pursing important points related to this, such as the nominal amount we want in a bank account, how to adjust our lifestyle, and at what age this must be realized.

"This evaluation is an important part of planning needs in the coming year," said Fatkur, Thursday (12/15/22)

Second, make a shopping list of goods. Year-end moments are an important agenda for every outlate, both online and offline outlets, to provide big promos to consumers. But don't become a consumer who is crazy about promos.

Plan by making a shopping list when the moment comes. Put the needs of goods related to needs at the top position to avoid buying goods that are less useful and can be detrimental in the future.

Third, set a budget. After someone makes a shopping list, the next step is to determine the prepared budget. Because this discount moment always comes at the end of the year, one must already have a budget allocation limit for shopping for goods.

Fourth, cross check the normal price of goods. Often a person is stuck with a promo attached with a pretty tempting percentage price tag both on the marketplace and at offline outlets.

According to him, it is a way of promotion that is done to bind consumers. So it is necessary to first cross-check the normal prices of the goods being offered with this promo. This is to avoid the trap of mark up the normal price.

Fifth, shopping for investment-worthy goods. Given the possibility of inflation, money owned today will not be the same value in five years. However, if the money is invested, the value and nominal value will continue to increase. Especially now that there are many options for investing, from stocks, mutual funds, gold, property, and so on.

"We just need to study it further and choose the investment instruments that we are most good at so that we are not trapped in buying goods that are not worth investing in in the future," concluded Fatkur.