UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips for a Safe Home When Leaving Homecoming

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips for a Safe Home When Leaving Homecoming
  • 01 May
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips for a Safe Home When Leaving Homecoming

After two years of the government banning going home, in 2022 the government will finally allow people to return to their hometowns for Eid. Lecturer at the UM Surabaya Faculty of Engineering Lukman Hakim gave several tips to keep the house safe when you are going home.

"Turn on the lights on the terrace and several rooms. The aim is to make it look like someone is living in the house and lock the doors and windows tightly," explained Lukman, Sunday (1/5/22)

Next is to unplug the electricity, electronic devices and gas such as television sets, radios, refrigerators, washing machines, dispensers, and so on. This aims to avoid electrical short-circuits or short circuits, and avoid gas leaks. Because both of those things can be dangerous if something goes wrong to cause a fire.

“Turning off the drains and taps, sometimes when we leave the house, travel or go home, what we often miss is forgetting to turn off the tap water. Turning off the faucet aims to reduce the household budget and prevent water from being wasted. Turning on the drains and taps when leaving the house while going home is at risk of leaks so that the water overflows," he added.

According to him, someone who is going home is important to store or carry valuables, such as jewelry, cash, house certificates, and so on, it is better not to leave them at home. Keep it in a safe or cupboard that has a lock.

Entrust the house to someone you trust, before leaving the house when going home it's a good idea to leave the house to neighbors or relatives we trust. Informing neighbors who are not going home is intended so that the house where we live and going home is monitored in order to keep the house safe.

Next what needs to be done is to clean the area of the house, if we leave the house for going home for Eid it has a long duration, don't forget to clean the house, close all drain holes. Remove trash and clean up leftover food. This is done so that when leaving the house while going home, the house is clean and protected from the arrival of mosquitoes, rats and cockroaches because the house is dirty.

"Those who want to be able to monitor the condition of the house are advised to install CCTV cameras. You can install CCTV at several points in the location of the house, such as in the yard, garage, bedroom and living room," he explained.

Finally, report to the RT or RW and local security officers. It's a good idea for someone who is going home to report to security officers, complex security guards and neighbors that you will be leaving during the Eid holidays to go home to your hometown. Give an active cellphone number so they can contact if something happens or maybe something important happens. Then ask them occasionally to check the condition of the house around.