UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares 8 Fun Tips to Increase Literacy in Children

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares 8 Fun Tips to Increase Literacy in Children
  • 20 Mar
  • 2023

Foto: Getty Images/iStockphoto/Choreograph

UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares 8 Fun Tips to Increase Literacy in Children

The Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makariem made a breakthrough in responding to the challenge of the low literacy skills of Indonesian children.

Nadiem launched the 23rd episode of the Freedom Learning policy: Quality reading books for Indonesian literacy. This program focuses on sending quality reading books to the Early Childhood Education (PAUD) and Elementary School (SD) levels accompanied by teacher training.

Endang Suprapti, a lecturer at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UM Surabaya, said that literacy in children does not only start from school, but also starts with family and parents. According to him, the family is an informal educational institution that has the most important role in literacy development.

"Efforts to improve literacy in children are things that parents need to do, in the midst of an increasing number of new technologies, parents have a responsibility to make efforts to increase literacy in children," said Endang Monday (20/3/23)

So what can parents do to improve literacy in their children?

According to Endang the first thing is to read aloud. What parents can do to improve literacy in children is to read aloud, which means reading books aloud so that children can hear what they read.

“Indirectly, this will increase children's interest in reading books. Reading books aloud is also beneficial in facilitating verbal communication and improving nerve health," added Endang again.

The second tip is to introduce books to children from a young age. This can be done when the child is still a toddler or a baby. Endang gave an example by telling a fairy tale book, or a book that contains and introduces children to objects around them.

"For example, parents can introduce the names of body parts or books that explain the names of animals with pictures," he said.

Third, involve children when telling stories. When parents share stories with children, try asking children to answer through telling stories with a number of creative questions given. Even though it looks simple, this will increase literacy in children. Endang said that in order for children to like reading books, parents must also set an example by being fond of reading books.

Fourth, invite children to do writing and reading activities. So that it is not boring for children, parents can package it with games, for example by involving children in writing grocery lists, inviting children to buy and sell games at home. With this the child will get used to writing and reading which directly increases literacy in children.

Fifth, provide literacy games. In modern times like this, there are many games to improve literacy in children. In this case, parents can find a variety of games that are suitable for increasing literacy in children by searching the internet from cheap to expensive.

Finally, ask the children to share their experiences. One way that can be taken is to invite children to tell their experiences orally, apart from creating openness between children and parents, this also builds a positive relationship between children and parents.

"This open attitude must also be nurtured properly by parents, by asking children to tell or write things that are experienced, then parents will know everything that is detrimental to children," concluded Endang.