UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares 5 Ways to Maintain Body Immunity Ahead of Eid Mudik

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares 5 Ways to Maintain Body Immunity Ahead of Eid Mudik
  • 14 Apr
  • 2023

Ilustrasi mudik. Foto: Getty Images/iStockphoto

UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares 5 Ways to Maintain Body Immunity Ahead of Eid Mudik

Mudik Lebaran has become a strong tradition for Muslim communities, especially in Indonesia. Even though it's fun because it's a moment you look forward to, apparently going home can also make your body tired from long trips, so you need to prepare so that your body's condition is maintained.

Ratna Agustin Lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya appealed to people who will be going homecoming should prepare themselves from the previous days. According to him, preparations made in advance will help a person maintain the immune system.

In her statement, Ratna shared several tips that a person can do to maintain body immunity so that the body remains healthy and primed when going home for Eid.

The first is to arrange a diet when breaking the fast and dawn. Ratna said that by consuming balanced nutrition, the body will get good nutrition according to the body's needs.

"Balanced nutritional intake must meet 5 important intakes, namely carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals, so that the body's immunity can function properly, as well as sufficient fluids so as not to become dehydrated during fasting," he said Friday (14/4/23) )

Second, do regular exercise. Exercising regularly will help the body stay fit and healthy. Exercise will balance out energy expenditure, because the body not only needs food but also physical activity.

"If you are used to exercising in the morning, avoid strenuous exercise intensity because it can trigger dehydration during fasting and activities until it's time to break the fast. Do sports with light intensity such as leisurely walking, stretching and so on. It is better to do sports before dawn, before breaking the fast, and 1-2 hours after breaking the fast," he added.

Third is enough sleep. Before going home for Eid, try to get enough sleep and rest well. According to him, adequate sleep is not a matter of quantity but sleep quality. This means that sleeping at night with a quantity of around 6-8 hours for adults will be better than sleeping with a quantity of 10-12 hours during the day.

"If you are going to go home early in the morning, try not to stay up late or sleep too late. If while driving on the way you feel tired, you should stop and rest on the road," he added.

Fourth, multiply the consumption of vitamins. Ratna explained, vitamins are important to maintain endurance. One can consume vitamin C which is obtained naturally from fruits and vegetables. However, if you feel you need more intake, a person can also take additional supplements.

Finally, provide personal medicines. There is nothing wrong if someone prepares medicines during the Lebaran trip.

"Especially if someone has a history of illness that requires taking medication regularly, you should not forget to take it with you when you go home," concluded Ratna.