UM Surabaya Lecturer: 5 Things You Need to Know Before Entering the Department of Architecture

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: 5 Things You Need to Know Before Entering the Department of Architecture
  • 29 Jul
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Lecturer: 5 Things You Need to Know Before Entering the Department of Architecture

Architecture is a field of science that studies how to design buildings and the built environment. In the architecture major, students will be brought into the world of building design and the built environment as well as equipped with other technical skills that support the field of architecture.

Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering (FT) Architecture Study Program, UM Surabaya, Fibria Conytin Nugrahini explained 5 things you need to know before entering the architecture department.

First, this department intensively cultivates students' psychomotor abilities. In the architecture department, psychomotor skills or skills that require physical abilities are needed.

“This means that if you want to become an architecture student you have to be physically strong. Hand skills are needed here in presenting a two-dimensional or three-dimensional work,” said Fibri Friday (29/7/22)

With this processing, it is hoped that students can understand basic elements in aesthetics where this ability can be used later for design to a higher level.

Both architecture majors have learning based on studio and workshop activities. Studio is an activity of carrying out structured assignments in consultation with the supervisor.

Example of doing assignments in the studio, namely in architectural design studio courses from 1 to 5 (depending on the curriculum), from residential buildings to tall and complex buildings. While workshops for assignments are in the form of 3D works such as mock-ups as well as processing and trimatara skills and application of building materials.

According to the third Fibri, this department is very familiar with the term overtime. Students must always be ready to do overtime to complete their assignments, be it studio assignments, manual technical drawings, digital 3D or work on activities in the workshop area such as making mock-ups.

According to Indiana University's National 2016 Study of Student Engagement (NSSE), Architecture students spend more time studying and doing assignments than any other field of study. So that physical and mental preparation must be prepared before entering this department.

These four majors develop the right and left brain simultaneously. The architectural major is very different from other fields of study which only emphasize thinking skills. In architecture, creativity must be in line with the ability to think cognitively.

“In this department, the ability to think logically, think numbers, solve problems, be creative aesthetically and design must be combined at one time. This is because every design decision made will have an impact materially and in value," he added.

In addition, architecture students must be accustomed to solving design problems, such as building structure constraints, utilities, weather or climate as well as behavioral and social problems and others that will be formed in a building or the built environment.

Fifth, architecture students will look cool and not bored. According to Fibri, there are a lot of skills or abilities that architecture students have, so architecture graduates will look cool because they are used to solving problems from simple to complex problems.

“From aesthetic problems to building technical issues and the environment. With the skills you have, being an architecture student will look cool because you are always filled with new ideas," he concluded.