UM Surabaya Lecturer: These 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Children Healthy in the Dry Season

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: These 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Children Healthy in the Dry Season
  • 30 Aug
  • 2023

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UM Surabaya Lecturer: These 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Children Healthy in the Dry Season

The dry season is often a serious health challenge, especially for children who are vulnerable to environmental changes and exposure to extreme weather, so health problems can arise, such as skin diseases and respiratory problems.

Lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) said parents or caregivers need to take a series of steps for proper prevention and care, so that children stay healthy and active during the dry season.

Firman explains several steps that can be taken.

First, make sure the child always gets enough fluid intake. As temperatures rise and the weather gets hotter, the risk of dehydration in children may increase. For this reason, it is important to ensure that children get adequate fluid intake every day, especially water.

“Providing sufficient mineral water can help maintain the body's fluid balance. Our bodies are mostly made up of water, and every cell and body system requires water to function properly. Physiologically, water helps maintain normal body temperature, heart function, and blood circulation," said Firman Tuesday (30/8/23)

Second adopt a healthy diet. Balanced food intake has an important role in maintaining children's health in the dry season. Make sure your child gets a diet with enough vegetables, fruits, whole grains, protein, and low-fat dairy products.

"Maintaining a diet with consumption of nutritious foods is very important for children, in addition to supporting children's growth and development, it also helps keep their immune system strong, and provides the energy needed for activities," said Firman again.

Third, protect the skin from excessive exposure to sunlight, because direct exposure to sunlight for a long time can have a negative impact on children's skin. So it is advisable to always use protection, such as a jacket or umbrella, to protect their skin when doing activities outside the home.

Fourth, maintain cleanliness. Teaching children about the importance of maintaining personal hygiene is very important, especially in the dry season when sweat and heat can increase the risk of skin infections. Teach them to always wash their hands and shower after playing and change clothes that are sweaty or dirty.

Fifth, avoid dusty places and try to keep the air in the house clean and humid. Dry air and more dust during the dry season can increase the risk of respiratory infections, especially in children.

“Carefully monitor the child's health condition, especially during extreme weather in the dry season. Recognize the signs and symptoms that may arise due to health problems in children, and by taking these steps, children will stay healthy anytime and anywhere," said Firman.