UM Surabaya Psychology Lecturer: Body Shaming Can Cause Depression to Death

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Psychology Lecturer: Body Shaming Can Cause Depression to Death
  • 16 May
  • 2023

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UM Surabaya Psychology Lecturer: Body Shaming Can Cause Depression to Death

The behavior of body shaming or insulting the physical appearance of other people is often a concern in society, because in today's era body shaming often occurs in everyday life, it is even very easy to find on social media.

Marini, Psychology Lecturer at UM Surabaya explained, body shaming is an act of belittling, criticizing, or ridiculing a person's physical appearance. This happens because someone tends to compare the standards or norms that apply in social society.

"Body shaming can occur both directly, for example, comments directed directly at someone or indirectly, for example, through comments on social media or pressure to meet unrealistic beauty standards," said Marini Tuesday (16/5/23)

According to him, body shaming is aimed at aspects of physical appearance, such as weight, body size, body shape, skin color, face shape, or other body parts. This could be demeaning comments or ridicule of one's body, negative judgments about one's appearance, or comparison with unrealistic standards.

He explained, in social psychology, this happens because social judgments of physical appearance affect individual perceptions of themselves or others. This includes social stigma, where individuals who do not meet the standards of beauty valued by society can experience discrimination and exclusion, as occurs in body shaming.

"The impact of body shaming can be fatal, starting from a lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, which can even lead to depression and death," he stressed again.

Mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. Body shaming can cause high levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms. Marini said individuals who are constantly criticized or ridiculed about their physical appearance tend to develop feelings of anxiety, ongoing feelings of shame, and can be prone to anxiety disorders or depression.

In her statement, Marini explained several ways to overcome this. First, he appealed to stay away from the environment or people who reinforce body shaming.

Second, focus on strengths such as talents, skills, and non-physical achievements.

Third, find individuals or groups who can be a source of support and understanding. Join a community online or offline that supports positive body image and is mutually reinforcing.

Overcoming body shaming is a process that takes time and effort. Remember that a person has the right to feel comfortable and accept themselves lovingly.

"Consult a professional if you feel that the impact of body shaming is very heavy or significantly affects your well-being, consider seeking help from a professional, such as a psychologist or counselor," concluded Marini.