Psychology Lecturer Explains Why Someone Do Flexing

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Gambar Artikel Psychology Lecturer Explains Why Someone Do Flexing
  • 16 Mar
  • 2022

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Psychology Lecturer Explains Why Someone Do Flexing

Lately there have been many phenomena of someone showing off their wealth on social media either in physical form, goods, or other things that are considered superior to others. This attracted the attention of Psychology Lecturer at Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya, Dewi Ilma Antawati, about the causes of the phenomenon of someone showing off their wealth or flexing on social media.

Ilma explained that flexing behavior is an instinctive behavior in establishing relationships. He gave the parable of a peacock showing off its beautiful tail to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

"In humans, in social psychology, it is stated that showing off something that is owned is done to show one's social status, with the hope that it will be more attractive in the eyes of other people so that it can broaden associations," said Ilma Tuesday (16/3/22)

Meanwhile, in clinical psychology, flexing behavior is associated with a person's insecurity, so there is an urge to show off what he thinks is superior to others.

"That is why there are people who feel insecure about coming to parties or certain events if they are not wearing branded items, and are more comfortable if they come wearing branded items, because of fears of not being accepted or looked down upon by others," he said again.

In a written statement, Ilma explained that flexing behavior can have an impact on relationships with other people, especially when in a new environment. Research shows that when someone shows off what they have it makes it difficult for them to get along with or be accepted by other people.

In the research results, the number of negative comments on social media content containing financial flexing behavior also has an impact on increasing consumerism because shopping behavior is carried out to improve social status, not purely out of necessity.

Furthermore, he gave an explanation of how the community responds to flexing. If you are in the observer's position, then you don't need to overdo your response to the person flexing. We quite understand why someone does that.

"To prevent us from becoming doers, we need to know our own strengths and weaknesses, accept our strengths and forgive our weaknesses, try to continue self-development, and increase empathy by increasing social activities and sharing with others," he said.