UM Surabaya PAUD PG Lecturer Shares Tips to Teach Children to Fast from an Early Age

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya PAUD PG Lecturer Shares Tips to Teach Children to Fast from an Early Age
  • 12 Apr
  • 2022

Ilustrasi gambar mengajarkan anak berpuasa sejak dini (Istockphoto)

UM Surabaya PAUD PG Lecturer Shares Tips to Teach Children to Fast from an Early Age

Every parent must have a different method of training children to fast. Because basically children have different characters. Some parents use the momentum of Ramadan to teach their children to fast from an early age.

Agus Budiman, UM Surabaya PAUD PG Lecturer, shared a comfortable approach to teaching children to fast as well as sharing some tips that parents can apply to teach children to fast effectively.

"The first thing to do is look at the physical and psychological condition of the child, basically children have different characters, so parents need to understand the physical and psychological condition of the child, whether the child is ready or not to fast," explained Budi.

In his statement, he explained that there was no definite stipulation regarding the age at which children could be taught to fast, but normally 4-5 years old is an effective age for teaching children to fast. At the age of 4 and under, children should begin to be introduced to what fasting, iftar and sahur are.

The second approach is through language that is relaxed and comfortable, every age of the children has a different approach. At the age of 4-5 years, children have started to talk about what fasting is.

"Say simple sentences when talking to children, this approach can be done in a relaxed and not rigid way. Because in general, children's motor skills are more effective when done in relaxed language," he explained again.

The cultivation of religious love must be instilled by parents towards their children from an early age. Such as inviting children to pray in congregation, recite the Koran and other worship services that are taught. This has a positive impact on the development of children to love their religion.

"Parents don't need to force their children to fast in full, teaching children to fast must be done gradually, starting from fasting only until midday, then fasting until the time of Asr and so on. Parents must make iftar a momentum that their children have been waiting for," he added.

Finally, giving rewards to children who have tried to fast, giving rewards to children is part of the motivation of parents towards children. Rewards are not only about material but rewards that parents give to children can be hugs or appreciation to children.