FKG UM Surabaya Lecturer Explains the Causes of Dental Caries and How to Overcome Them

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Gambar Artikel FKG UM Surabaya Lecturer Explains the Causes of Dental Caries and How to Overcome Them
  • 07 May
  • 2023

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FKG UM Surabaya Lecturer Explains the Causes of Dental Caries and How to Overcome Them

Teeth are the hardest and calcified structures found in humans and vertebrate animals. In the human life cycle, tooth growth goes through two phases, namely primary teeth starting in children aged 8-10 months to 11-12 years and permanent teeth 5-6 years to adulthood.

UM Surabaya Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) lecturer Aryo Sutowijoyo said that although teeth are the hardest tissue in the human body, teeth can also be damaged or have cavities or what is often called caries. The process of dental caries does not arise in a short time, it takes quite a long time.

“The process of caries on the teeth begins when food residue remains for a long time on the surface of the teeth. With the presence of food residue on the surface of the teeth, it causes bacteria to like to gather in these areas," said Aryo, Sunday (7/5/23)

Aryo said that bacteria and food scraps play a big role in the occurrence of dental caries. He emphasized that bacteria and food residue both play a role in the occurrence of caries, so if one of the two is not present, the possibility of caries occurring is very small.

Furthermore, Aryo explained that teeth are the hardest tissue found in the human body, this hard tissue can be damaged by acidic compounds. Acidic compounds come from the rest of the bacterial metabolism of food residues that stick to the surface of the teeth.

“These acidic compounds will slowly damage the tooth enamel structure (demineralization). The longer and the higher the degree of acidity, the damage to the tooth enamel structure, the faster and more widespread the damage will be," he added.

He said, actually the body has a response to prevent damage to the tooth enamel structure (remineralization), but because the demineralization process is greater than the body's ability to remineralize, caries is formed.

According to him, the process of caries can be prevented in several ways:

First, always maintain the cleanliness of the teeth and oral cavity. Maintaining the cleanliness of the oral cavity can be done by brushing your teeth properly and thoroughly and using fluoride toothpaste 3 times a day, namely after eating and before going to bed.

Second, adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods that contain lots of fiber.

Finally, routine control to the dentist every 6 months, whether there are complaints about the teeth or no complaints.