FKG UM Surabaya Lecturer: These Types of Food and Drinks are Bad for Dental Health

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Gambar Artikel FKG UM Surabaya Lecturer: These Types of Food and Drinks are Bad for Dental Health
  • 15 May
  • 2023

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FKG UM Surabaya Lecturer: These Types of Food and Drinks are Bad for Dental Health

Problems that arise in the teeth are not only due to wrong brushing habits, but can also be due to the food and drink consumed. Most Indonesian people, especially children, have a sweet tooth, or fans of sweet food, even though sweet food can actually damage teeth.

"Sweet food if not cleaned properly, over time can cause cavities in the teeth (caries), because it can trigger bacteria to produce acid and cause the outer layer of teeth or enamel to dissolve," said UM Surabaya Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) Lecturer Cinitra Anindya.

Cinitra in his statement also explained, besides sweet foods, there are still many other foods or drinks that can cause tooth decay, including:

First, sour food. People in Indonesia are used to consuming foods that contain acids such as vinegar, pempek, sour candy, and others. Almost the same as the result of consuming sweet foods, high acid content can erode the outer layer of teeth, namely the enamel.

Second, is soda. Soda in soft drinks contains sugar, acid, and carbonation which can trigger and accelerate the dissolution of the enamel layer. This phenomenon is called tooth erosion.

"If you have a habit of drinking soda, then consumption must be limited and after drinking soda, make it a habit to rinse your mouth or drink water, and it's best to use a straw when drinking soda," he added again on Monday (15/5/23)

Third, alcoholic beverages. Consuming alcoholic beverages does have many disadvantages, one of which, alcohol can cause dry mouth. In dry mouth conditions or what is commonly called xerostomia, saliva or saliva production decreases.

Saliva itself has many roles in the oral cavity, one of which is as a self cleanser. In xerostomia conditions, food debris attached to the teeth cannot be cleaned optimally, so the teeth will easily experience caries.

Fourth, ice cubes. Ice cubes have a hard consistency, so they can trigger cracks or fractures of the teeth if consumed by biting. If the teeth are broken or cracked, it will cause the teeth to become sharp and cause discomfort because sharp teeth can injure the tongue or cheeks.

"The habit of biting ice cubes is indeed common in society, but if you have this habit it must be stopped immediately, so as not to cause more severe tooth decay," he said.

Fifth coffee, and tea. Consuming tea or coffee in the morning or evening is common because coffee and tea contain caffeine which can help improve focus and provide an instant boost of vigor for the body. However, the tannin content in coffee and tea will stick to the enamel which if accumulated continuously can cause discoloration of the teeth so that they become yellowish in color.

“Certainly discolored teeth can cause a decrease in self-confidence. So it's best if you limit your consumption of tea and coffee," he concluded.